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Radtour Radurlaub am Rhein und nach Amsterdam

Dag 11, hviledag/rest day: Rotterdam



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Höhen-Profil Radtour Radurlaub am Rhein und nach Amsterdam0100200020406080100120

Erstellt am 07.08.2016

am 10.08.2016



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durch Ottocolor am 07.08.2016

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Rotterdam, South Holland, NL (11 m NHN)


Rotterdam, South Holland, NL (10 m NHN)

gefahren am



A mix of clouds and sun with dry weather all day. Light to moderate winds from West.


Stayokay Hostel Rotterdam
Overblaak 85-87
NL-3011 MH Rotterdam


Rotterdam's Europe's best city for cycling! No more no less. Perfect conditions for bikers in the traffic with bike paths, bike traffic lights, bike bridges, bike parking, ramps and almost allwhere cycling against one-way direction is allowed. Broad bikelanes with red tarmac and superb signposting does it very easy to bike. Plus the numbers of bikers are high, but not stunning and very few mopeds on the bikelanes.


The third rest day of five is placed between the second and the third and last two-day stretch to Amsterdam.


Sint Laurenskerk er Rotterdams hovedkirke/Rotterdamʹs main church is called Saint Laurensʹ church
Sint Laurenskerk er Rotterdams hovedkirke/Rotterdamʹs main church is called Saint Laurensʹ church
Ét af Europas største orgler er bygget i Danmark/One of Europeʹs largest organs is built in Denmark
Ét af Europas største orgler er bygget i Danmark/One of Europeʹs largest organs is built in Denmark
Koret var, som altid i Holland, uden altertavle/As always in Holland, a choir without an altarpiece
Koret var, som altid i Holland, uden altertavle/As always in Holland, a choir without an altarpiece
Moderne kirkekunst passer godt ind her/This modern ecclesiasticlal art fits well in
Moderne kirkekunst passer godt ind her/This modern ecclesiasticlal art fits well in
Mindesmærke om Hollands befrielse fra Spanien/Monument to Hollands liberation from the Spaniards
Mindesmærke om Hollands befrielse fra Spanien/Monument to Hollands liberation from the Spaniards
Vi nyder kaffe med croissant i en sofa på fortovet/Enjoying coffee and a croissant on the pavement
Vi nyder kaffe med croissant i en sofa på fortovet/Enjoying coffee and a croissant on the pavement
Erasmusbrug spænder over Rhinen, her kaldet Nieuwe Maas/Erasmusbrug spans the socalled Nieuwe Maas
Erasmusbrug spænder over Rhinen, her kaldet Nieuwe Maas/Erasmusbrug spans the socalled Nieuwe Maas
Holland-Amerika Lines bygning set fra havnerundfarten/The Holland-America Lineʹs building
Holland-Amerika Lines bygning set fra havnerundfarten/The Holland-America Lineʹs building
En havnerundtfart i en lille del af Europas største havn/A cruise in Europeʹs largest harbour
En havnerundtfart i en lille del af Europas største havn/A cruise in Europeʹs largest harbour
Meget ny og dristig arkitektur langs havnen/A lot of new and daring architecture along the harbour
Meget ny og dristig arkitektur langs havnen/A lot of new and daring architecture along the harbour
Herunder løber Europas første havnetunnel/Under us runs Europeʹs first harbour tunnel
Herunder løber Europas første havnetunnel/Under us runs Europeʹs first harbour tunnel
Dampskibet Rotterdam er bygget her i byen/The steamer ʺRotterdamʺ is built in this city
Dampskibet Rotterdam er bygget her i byen/The steamer ʺRotterdamʺ is built in this city
Euromast set fra havnerundfarten/The Euromast seen from the harbour cruise boat
Euromast set fra havnerundfarten/The Euromast seen from the harbour cruise boat
Laurenskerks tværskib i fin hollandsk renæssance/The Laurenskerk is built in fine Dutch rennaissnce
Laurenskerks tværskib i fin hollandsk renæssance/The Laurenskerk is built in fine Dutch rennaissnce
Lige ved siden af den flotte nye markedshal fra 2014/Right next to the posh new market hall
Lige ved siden af den flotte nye markedshal fra 2014/Right next to the posh new market hall
Her kan fås alt, hvad hjertet begærer/Here you can buy all you like
Her kan fås alt, hvad hjertet begærer/Here you can buy all you like
Loftet er også specielt med lejligheder ovenover og udenpå/The ceiling with appartments on top
Loftet er også specielt med lejligheder ovenover og udenpå/The ceiling with appartments on top
Cykelparkering løses også fint her/Bike parking is also solved well here
Cykelparkering løses også fint her/Bike parking is also solved well here
Vi laver aftensmad i parken Het Park/Cooking dinner in the park Het Park
Vi laver aftensmad i parken Het Park/Cooking dinner in the park Het Park
Udsigt mod Erasmusbrug fra Euromast/A view towards Erasmusbrug from the Euromast
Udsigt mod Erasmusbrug fra Euromast/A view towards Erasmusbrug from the Euromast
Et kig ud mod Rhinens munding i Nordsøen/A view out the Rhine towards its mouth into the North Sea
Et kig ud mod Rhinens munding i Nordsøen/A view out the Rhine towards its mouth into the North Sea
Simon nyder udsigten trods højden/Simonʹs enjoying the view despite the height
Simon nyder udsigten trods højden/Simonʹs enjoying the view despite the height
Her er vi på toppen af vores tur sammen/On top of our trip together
Her er vi på toppen af vores tur sammen/On top of our trip together
Flot solnedgang over Nordsøen/Beautiful sunset above the North Sea
Flot solnedgang over Nordsøen/Beautiful sunset above the North Sea
Store industriområder præger landskabet mod vest/Huge industrial areas dominate to the West
Store industriområder præger landskabet mod vest/Huge industrial areas dominate to the West
Vi kom 182 m op i denne Euroscoop/We were elevated to 182 m in this Euroscoop
Vi kom 182 m op i denne Euroscoop/We were elevated to 182 m in this Euroscoop
Mens lyset begyndte at svinde over havnen og byen/While the light disappeared from the city
Mens lyset begyndte at svinde over havnen og byen/While the light disappeared from the city
Ikke Manhattan, men alligevel imponerende/Itʹs not Manhattan, but nevertheless impressing
Ikke Manhattan, men alligevel imponerende/Itʹs not Manhattan, but nevertheless impressing