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Erstellt am 11.07.2024,

zuletzt geändert von »biroto-Redaktion« am 11.07.2024

Radwege und Fahrrad-Touren in der Nähe

Name/BezeichnungTypkm zur Strecke



0,3 km



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Art der Sehenswürdigkeit

Historisches Ortsbild


Name u. Anschrift


NL-8801 KZ Franeker



53.186550 5.543000


9 m


Franeker, Rathaus und Planetarium
Franeker, Rathaus und Planetarium
Franeker, Kirche St. Martini
Franeker, Kirche St. Martini
Franeker, Eise Eisinga Planetarium
Franeker, Eise Eisinga Planetarium

Franeker (or Frjentsjer in the Frisian language) is a city in the province of Friesland. It is most notable for its Eise Eisenga Planetarium, the oldest still in operation, and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2023.


The history of Franeker goes back to early medieval times. The old centre is still surrounded by a canal, but most of the associated defensive structures have been demolished in the 19th century. 


  • Eise Eisenga PlanetariumWikipedia Icon , Eise Eisingastraat 3, +31 517 393070.Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su 11:00-17:00; Apr-Oct also M 11:00-17:00.
    The world's oldest still operational planetarium, from the late 18th century.
    €6 for adults, €5 for children.  
  • Martena Museum, +31 517 392192. Tu-Su11:00–17:00, closed Mo.
    Playing the role of the town museum, it houses historical exhibits, including one on Franeker university.
    €6, museumkaart accepted. (updated Nov 2023)
  • Old Town Hall, Raadhuisplein 1.
    It is one of the earliest Frisian town halls in the Renaissance style. It means that it is beautifully detailed and decorated.
  • Martinikerk, Breedeplaats 2.
    The church from the second half of the 14th century was originally dedicated to Martinus. The Martini Church is the only medieval church in Friesland with an ambulatory. The organ from 1842 was made by Van Dam.
  • Korendragerhuisje. 10:00-21:00.
    Very small museum in a very small house from 1634 about grain harvesting, but worth a short free visit free entrance. 
  • PC Franeker. A prestigious ball game event with a tradition that goes back to 1853. Held every year on the fifth Wednesday after June 30th, e.g., on July 31, 2024. 


Im Umkreis von 4 km:

  •   De Stadsherberg Franeker, Oud Kaatsveld 8, Franeker, PG V - VI

    "... Wir haben eine Garage, die abends geschlossen ist. Die Garage wird von mehreren Gästen genutzt."

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Text(e) übernommen von:

Wikivoyage contributors, 'Franeker', Wikivoyage, 7 May 2024, 10:58 UTC, https://en.wikivoyage.org/w/index.php?title=Franeker&oldid=4876967 Wikivoyage Icon [accessed 11 July 2024] 

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Radwege und Fahrrad-Touren in der Nähe

Name/BezeichnungTypkm zur Strecke



0,3 km

Erstellt am 11.07.2024,

zuletzt geändert von »biroto-Redaktion« am 11.07.2024