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Pension Carmen

cyclist-friendly accommodation



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Type of accommodation

Boardinghouse / guest house
cyclist-friendly accommodation


Name and address

Pension Carmen
Renate Szczepanski

Hauptstraße 42c

DE-53557 Bad Hönningen


Geodetic coordinates

50.511429 7.311721


59 m



+49 ∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎


+49 ∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎



Cyclist-friendly conditions

Accommodation for one night only is available

Lockable room for overnight bicycle parking (free) - availability is unknown

Lockable room for overnight bicycle parking (extra charge) - availability is unknown

Opportunity for parking bicycles overnight without public access is available

Healthy breakfast is available

Basic bicycle repair tools for simple repairs - availability is unknown

Information about location, opening times and telephone numbers of the nearest bicycle repair shops for major repairs - availability is unknown

Possibility of drying clothes and equipment - availability is unknown

Description of bicycle storage:



service is offered

service is not offered

unknown whether service is offered or not