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Worth visiting

Added on 30 Dec 2020,

last edited by »biroto-Redaktion« on 31 Dec 2020

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Type of sights

Heritage building(s)


Name and address



BG-3900 Белоградчик / Belogradchik


Geodetic coordinates

43.626683 22.686118


517 m


Belogradchik Fortress Entrance
Belogradchik Fortress Entrance
Belogradchik Fortress
Belogradchik Fortress

Belogradchik (Bulgarian: Белоградчик) is a city in North Bulgaria in the foothills of the Balkan Mountains. The town is famous throughout Bulgaria for its unique rock formations.


  • Belogradchik Rocks, Bulgaria's most spectacular rock formations covering an area of 90 km². Some of the best views of the rocks are from the main square, the top of the fortress, the town park or along one of the many hiking trails. Belogradchik Rocks is a nominee for the New7Wonders of Nature [1]
  • Belogradchik Fortress, built into the towering rocks on the hilltop overlooking the town. Open daily: Jun-Sep 08:00-21:00; Oct-May 09:00-17:00. The fortress, also called Kaleto, was begun by the Romans in the 1st-3rd centuries, continued by the Bulgarians and later completed by the Turks in the 19th century. From the top of the fortress, there are spectacular views of the surrounding hills and rock formations.
  • There is an defunct Ottoman Mosque nearby to and easily visible from the fortress. It was supposedly built in 1751. It's not in the best repair these days and the building itself is not very remarkable, but the minaret and Arabic artwork above the door are beautiful. Worth taking a bit to admire.
  • History Museum, in town center on the main street. M-F 09:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00. A small museum containing exhibits of local history and folklore. The museum is housed in a well-preserved national revival period home (c.1810).
  • Natural History Museum, in the town park. M-F 08:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00. A small museum featuring wildlife native to the region.


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Wikivoyage contributors, 'Belogradchik', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 3 December 2020, 04:16 UTC, [accessed 30 December 2020]

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30 Dec 2020

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Nearby cycle routes and tours

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0,1 km

Added on 30 Dec 2020,

last edited by »biroto-Redaktion« on 31 Dec 2020