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Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

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Type of sights

Industrial heritage


Name and address

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎

DE-47137 Duisburg


Geodetic coordinates

51.48∎∎∎∎ 6.78∎∎∎∎


29 m



+49 ∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎


+49 ∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎∎



Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord von Westen aus gesehen

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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

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by biroto-Redaktion on 02 Jan 2014

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Promenade entlang der Alten Emscher

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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

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by biroto-Redaktion on 02 Jan 2014

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Hochofen 5

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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

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by biroto-Redaktion on 02 Jan 2014

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, das „Krokodil“

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cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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by biroto-Redaktion on 02 Jan 2014

Landschaftspark is a public park located in Duisburg Wikipedia Icon Nord, Germany. It was designed in 1991 by Latz + Partner (Peter Latz), with the intention that it work to heal and understand the industrial past, rather than trying to reject it. The park closely associates itself with the past use of the site: a coal and steel production plant (abandoned in 1985, leaving the area significantly polluted) and the agricultural land it had been prior to the mid 19th century.

The park is divided into different areas, whose borders were carefully developed by looking at existing conditions (such as how the site had been divided by existing roads and railways, what types of plants had begun to grow in each area, etc.). This piecemeal pattern was then woven together by a series of walkways and waterways, which were placed according to the old railway and sewer systems. While each piece retains its character, it also creates a dialogue with the site surrounding it. Within the main complex, Latz emphasized specific programmatic elements: the concrete bunkers create a space for a series of intimate gardens, old gas tanks have become pools for scuba divers, concrete walls are used by rock climbers, and one of the most central places of the factory, the middle of the former steel mill, has been made into piazza. Each of these spaces uses elements to allow for a specific reading of time.

The site was designed with the idea that a grandfather, who might have worked at the plant, could walk with his grandchildren, explaining what he used to do and what the machinery had been used for. At Landschaftspark, memory was central to the design. Various authors have addressed the ways in which memory can inform the visitor of a site, a concept that became prevalent during Postmodernism.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

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Wikipedia contributors, 'Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 27 July 2013, 23:11 UTC, [accessed 2 January 2014]

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02 Jan 2014

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Hours of opening:

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jeden Samstag, Sonntag und Feiertag 12.00 Uhr und um 14.00 Uhr

Mai bis September auch Mittwochs um 10.00 Uhr.

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von März bis Oktober jeden Sonntag um 10.00 Uhr.

Fackelführung mit dem Hüttenwerker

jeden Freitag und Samstag um 18.00 Uhr (Nov. - Feb.), 18.30 Uhr (Mär. + Okt.),  20.00 Uhr (Apr. + Sep.), 21.00 Uhr (Mai – Aug.). Taschenlampen erforderlich!