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Kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Rajbrocie

Worth visiting

Added on 07 Jul 2016,

last edited by »biroto-Redaktion« on 07 Jul 2016

Nearby cycle routes and tours

Route nameTypeDist. to route

Carpathian Cycle Route


3,3 km

Spittal - Szeged - Cracow


0,0 km



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Type of sights



Name and address

Kościół pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Rajbrocie

PL-32-725 Rajbrot


Geodetic coordinates

49.821816 20.489000


324 m


Nativity of the Virgin Mary church in Rajbrot
Nativity of the Virgin Mary church in Rajbrot
Nativity of the Virgin Mary church in Rajbrot
Nativity of the Virgin Mary church in Rajbrot
Granary near the church in Rajbrot
Granary near the church in Rajbrot

The Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rajbrot dates from the beginning of the C16th. The single-nave church constitutes a well preserved example of gothic wooden architecture.

Information about copyright

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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Taken from the info-board in front of the church.

taken over / edited on

07 Jul 2016

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Nearby cycle routes and tours

Route nameTypeDist. to route

Carpathian Cycle Route


3,3 km

Spittal - Szeged - Cracow


0,0 km

Added on 07 Jul 2016,

last edited by »biroto-Redaktion« on 07 Jul 2016