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Worth visiting

Added on 29 Oct 2012,

last edited by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012

Nearby cycle routes and tours

Route nameTypeDist. to route

EuroVelo: Atlantic Coast Route - Part France to Portugal


0,7 km

Cabo St. Vincente - Labenne


0,7 km

Atlantic cost route - part of Spain and Portugal


0,7 km



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Type of sights

Heritage building(s)


Name and address


ES-10600 Plasencia


Geodetic coordinates

40.02∎∎∎∎ -6.09∎∎∎∎


362 m


La puerta de Berrozanas en Plasencia

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cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012

Pasaje den el convento de la Encarnación de Plasencia

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Jörn Wendland

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cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012

Tradicional mercado del Martes en la ciudad de Plasencia

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cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012

Fachada del Ayuntamiento de Plasencia

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Jörn Wendland

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cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012

Plasencia is a walled market city in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, Western Spain.

Situated on the bank of the Jerte River, Plasencia has a historic quarter that is a consequence of the city's strategic location along the Silver Route, or Ruta de la Plata. Since the 15th century, the noblemen of the region began to move to Plasencia, defining its current appearance.

Main sights

  • The double line of walls, with six gates and 68 towers, dating to 1197. The Keep (or Alcázar) was demolished in 1941.
  • Remains of the Roman aqueduct
  • Las Catedrales, a complex of two cathedrals. In 1189, by request of Alfonso VIII, Plasencia was declared head of dioceses by Pope Clement III Wikipedia Icon and work on a Romanesque Cathedral started shortly after, concluding sometime in the 18th century, by which time fashions had changed and Gothic elements had been added in the forms of pointed arches to the Nave Wikipedia Icon and a rose window Wikipedia Icon to the main South Entrance, while the cloister, on the East side bordering the city walls, was entirely Gothic. In the 15th century the Dioceses decided to build a grand Gothic Cathedral in the same site, demolishing the old cathedral as the new one was being built. Work started in 1498 and by the 16th century, standard Renaissance elements had been added such as the East Entrance and the elaborate Choir Seating, while the local style of the period, Plateresque, is present in the West (main) and the Presbytery Entrances. Work continued until the 18th century, when, with only the Sanctuary Wikipedia Icon and the Transept Wikipedia Icon of the New Cathedral finished, the project was abandoned leaving behind a somewhat odd result, as most of the Nave of the Old Cathedral, its cloister and its unique Octagonal Tower housing the Sala Capitular Chapel is still attached to the New Cathedral, while the new choir, that was supposed to stand along the New Nave, was positioned across the transept.
  • The Museum, near the Cathedral, is home to artworks by Jusepe de Ribera Wikipedia Icon and Luis de Morales Wikipedia Icon.
  • Renaissance Town Hall, in the Plaza Mayor
  • Casa consistorial (16th-18th centuries)
  • Palacio de los marqueses de Mirabel (16th century) with a two-order court
  • Church of San Martín (13th century). It has a nave and two aisles, and a retablo by Luis de Morales (1570).
  • Church and convent of Santo Domingo (St. Dominic, mid-15th century)
  • Church of San Esteban (15th century), with an apse in Gothic style. The high altar is transitional Plateresque-Baroque style.
  • Sanctuary of Virgen del Puerto, some 5 kilometers from the city, begun in the 15th century but finished three centuries later.
  • Monastery of San Jeronimo de Yuste Wikipedia Icon, where emperor Charles V Wikipedia Icon died in 1558, and the castle of Jarandilla de la Vera Wikipedia Icon (15th century). Nature resorts include the Monfrague Wikipedia Icon Natural Park.
  • Canchos de Ramiro y Ladronera Protected Area.

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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

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Wikipedia contributors, 'Plasencia', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 1 September 2012, 22:26 UTC, [accessed 29 October 2012]

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29 Oct 2012

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Nearby cycle routes and tours

Route nameTypeDist. to route

EuroVelo: Atlantic Coast Route - Part France to Portugal


0,7 km

Cabo St. Vincente - Labenne


0,7 km

Atlantic cost route - part of Spain and Portugal


0,7 km

Added on 29 Oct 2012,

last edited by biroto-Redaktion on 29 Oct 2012