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Swabian Jura Cycle Route

former cycle route!



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Elevation profile Swabian Jura Cycle RouteNördlingen AltstadtSchloss KapfenburgSchwäbisch GmündUrwelt-Museum HauffBad UrachMünsingenTrochtelfingenGammertingenVeringenstadtSigmaringenMeßkirch300400500600700800900050100150200250300

Added on 03 May 2012,

on 26 Oct 2024

Cycle route metrics

Total distance in km


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner

OpenStreetMap and Contributors + biroto-Redaktion (

Rights characteristic / license

Contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available here under the Open Database License(ODbL)

Link to the description of the license

GPX file taken from

GPX file uploaded

by biroto-Redaktion on 26 Oct 2024

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Nördlingen, Bayern, DE (437 m NHN)

End location

Landkreis Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg, DE (399 m NHN)


Die Schilder werden abgebaut und sind nur noch teilweise vorhanden (2023).



Der Radweg ist seit 2023 ersetzt worden durch den  Schwäbische Alb Radweg.

Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


0 km
1,0 km
444 m


DE-86720 Nördlingen




0 km
0,5 km
431 m

DE-86720 Nördlingen


Old town

Nörlingen, Blick vom ʺDanielʺ
Nörlingen, Blick vom ʺDanielʺ
Nördlingen: Sankt Georg, Kriegerbrunnen
Nördlingen: Sankt Georg, Kriegerbrunnen
Nördlingen, Rathaus und Hotel zur Sonne
Nördlingen, Rathaus und Hotel zur Sonne
Nördlingen, An der Deininger Mauer
Nördlingen, An der Deininger Mauer

Nördlingen is a city in Swabia in the German state of Bavaria.


Nördlingen is located near a Roman settlement built on the road 70 km northwest from Augsburg (an important point on the Via Claudia Augusta route from Italy) and has a population of about 19,000.

The city lies within the Ries Basin, a 25 km crater caused when a meteorite struck the earth 15 million years ago. This is one of the best preserved craters on earth, as well as being the only known rampart crater on the planet. It was used by US astronauts to train for the moon landing. In exchange for the use of the area, Nördlingen received moon rocks which are now on display in a museum in the city. Another effect of the meteor strike is that a locally quarried rock, which was used to build many of the older stone buildings, contains millions of tiny fragments of diamonds, as well as pieces of quartz and other rocks.

The city is surrounded by a wall, built in the 14th century, which follows the rim of the crater. In the center of the city is St Georgskirsche. From here, 5 main roads radiate to the wall, which has 12 gates.

The "official" first mention of Nördlingen comes in 898 CE when "Nordilinga" is used. The 1100th birthday festivities took place in 1998.

Nördlingen grew to prominence because of its importance in trade in the area. It was a Free City and the local fair was one of the most important in this region in the Middle Ages. Testimony to that can be seen in the numbers of houses and buildings which still exist that used to house tradesmen's goods or a market for their wares.

The town walls and fortifications had been built in the 14th century and Nördlingen was the site of a battle between Catholic and Protestant forces in the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century. Nördlingen eventually lost its independence and became part of Bavaria at the start of the 19th century and is now the administrative centre of the Donau-Ries area.


  • St. Georgskirche. Built in 1499, it is one of the largest churches in Germany. Climb the 90m tower for the best views overlooking the city and the crater. Church: Free; Watchtower: €2.  
  • Rieskrater Museum, Eugene-Shoemaker-Platz 1. 10:00-12:00 &13:30 - 16:30; Closed Mondays. Situated in an old barn, this museum shows the impacts of meteor collisions with earth. Moon rock, on loan from NASA, is on display. €4. Wikipedia Icon 
  • Bayerisches Eisenbahn Museum, behind the Hauptbahnhof. 100 trains on display. On Sundays in the summer, you can take a 2 hour return trip to Dinkelbuhl on an old-fashioned locomotive. Museum: Adult: €6, Child 5 - 14 years: €3; Train ride: Adult: €18, Child €12. Wikipedia Icon 
  • Stadtmuseum Nördlingen, Vordere Gerbergasse 1. til 5. November Tue - Sun: 13:30 - 16:30 h. Displays local costumes. €3.  
  • Rathaus. Cityhall  
  • Stadtmauermuseum Nördlingen, An der Löpsinger Mauer 3. Tue-Sun 10am-4:30pm April-October. Shows the history of the wall surrounding the city. €1.  
  • Löpsinger Tor.
  • Reimlinger Tor.  
  • Deininger Tor.  
  • Berger Tor.  
  • Baldinger Tor.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Wikivoyage contributors, 'Nördlingen', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 27 December 2020, 21:41 UTC, Wikivoyage Icon [accessed 25 May 2021]

taken over / edited on

25 May 2021

taken over / edited by



0 km
1,2 km
423 m


DE-86720 Nördlingen




0 km
0,6 km
430 m


DE-86720 Nördlingen


Tourist information

Hours of opening

Ostern bis 31. Oktober:

Montag - Donnerstag:

09.00 - 18.00 Uhr


09.00 - 16:30 Uhr


10.00 - 14.00 Uhr


10.00 - 14.00 Uhr

01. Juli bis 31. August zusätzlich:


10.00 - 14.00 Uhr

01. November bis Ostern:

Montag - Donnerstag:

09.00 - 17.00 Uhr


09.00 - 15.30 Uhr


0 km
0,5 km
442 m


DE-86720 Nördlingen







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