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Cycle Tour Bike weekend 2022

Travel report: Odense-Bremsmaj-Barsø-Aabenraa-Odense



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Bike weekend 2022H. C. Andersens HusAabenraaSønderborgOdense0100200050100150200250

Added on 07 Nov 2022,

on 08 Nov 2022

Cycle route metrics



Total distance in km



Cumulative elevation gain in m



Avg. slope uphill in %



Cumulative elevation loss in m



GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

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Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

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GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 07 Nov 2022

Track points in total



Track points per km (avg)




Start location

, (12 m NHN)

End location

, (17 m NHN)


The annual bike weekend for the three bold cycle musceteers Bernhard, Michael and Helmuth on their fiery iron steeds. Well, the former two on electrified power ones, the latter on his faithful two cylinder rye bread engine bicycle, on an even much longer edition, as the weekend took place in Southern Jutland. i cycled all the way to and fro Odense/Funen, so it became a much longer trip than accordingly to and fro Broager and Nordborg, where my brothers live, respectively. Well, I am indeed a bike enthusiast, so I cycled from Odense to Hardehoej on the isle of Als by way of the ferry from Funen to Als, where I met Michael shortly before another short ferry crossing to Jutland.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

07 Nov 2022

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The landscape around our basecamp at the farm Bremsmaj very close to the municipality border between Aabenraa and Soenderborg, is a rolling farmland, but only a few miles to the north geologically quite fierce subglaical stream trenches appear in the landscape, created by streaming melting water at the end of the last ice age. As the valley slopes at all times were to troublesome to grow crops on, the natural forest was allowed to stand. Krusmoelle and the trench to the north of Styrtom are examples, which we both made during our bike weekend.

The peninsula of Loejt Land northeast of Aabenraa is likewise very hilly and intersected by subglacial stream trenches. These impose a great deal of sweat on the foreheads of cyclists, especially when they do them crosswise, like we did on a very memorable occasion.

Then there is the island of Barsoe, with a deep sound between it and the mainland coast. And a substantial hill in the middle of it (39 m). Thus, it is, by Danish means, quite a dramatic landscape, probably only surpassed by the lakeside landscape of central Jutland or perhaps Bornholm, which, geologically spoken, belongs to Sweden. In a strictly geological sense, that is! In that respect Barsoe belongs to Southern Jutland. Cheerio!

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

07 Nov 2022

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Travel to and from ...

None! I cycled all of the way both to and from our base camp of Bremsmaj.


98 km


59 km


100 km


Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


2 km
0,1 km
26 m


DK-5000 Odense


Hotel without restaurant (garni)


3 km
0,0 km
15 m

DK-5000 Odense



Das Geburtshaus H.C. Andersens in Odense
Das Geburtshaus H.C. Andersens in Odense
Museum von der Gartenseite
Museum von der Gartenseite

H. C. Andersens Hus ist die dänische Bezeichnung für das Haus, in dem der dänische Dichter Hans Christian Andersen wahrscheinlich geboren wurde. Das Haus liegt in der Altstadt von Odense Wikipedia Icon in der „Bangs Boder“ Straße.

Obwohl der Geburtsort von Andersen nicht mit Sicherheit ermittelt werden kann, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass er in dem Haus geboren wurde. In diesem Haus wohnte die Großmutter von Andersen und 1805, als der spätere Dichter geboren wurde, wohnte die Tante von Andersen dort. Sie war die einzige Verwandte von Andersens Eltern, die in der Region wohnte. Andersen lebte auf jedem Fall nicht lange in dem Haus. Seine Kindheit verbrachte er in einem Haus in der Munke Møllestræde. Dort wurde 1930 das Museum „H.C. Andersens Barndomshjem Wikipedia Icon“ errichtet.

1905, 100 Jahre nach der Geburt von Andersen, beschloss die Stadt Odense, ein Museum im wahrscheinlichen Geburtshaus des Dichters zu errichten. Die Stadt restaurierte das Haus und eröffnete das Museum 1908 am Geburtstag des Dichters.

2005 wurde das Museum erweitert. Es besteht aus einem Neubau. In diesem wird anhand zahlreicher Dokumente das Leben und das Werk des Dichters dargestellt. Der alte Teil des Museums ist das eigentliche Geburtshaus. Dies ist so eingerichtet, wie es 1805 wahrscheinlich ausgesehen hat.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Seite „H. C. Andersens Hus“. In: Wikipedia, Die freie Enzyklopädie. Bearbeitungsstand: 1. April 2013, 08:52 UTC. URL: (Abgerufen: 6. April 2013, 20:47 UTC)

taken over / edited on

06 Apr 2013

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Hours of opening

1. Januar - 30. Juni, Dienstag bis Sonntag 10 - 16 Uhr
1. Juli - 1. September, Montag bis Sonntag 10 - 17 Uhr
2. September - 31. Dezember, Dienstag bis Sonntag 10 - 16 Uhr

Geöffnet am 2. Ostertag und 2. Pfingsttag sowie montags in den Wochen 7, 8, 13 und 42.
Geschlossen am 24, 25. und 31. Dezember sowie am 1. Januar.


56 km
0,0 km
0 m

Færgen Bøjden-Fynshav
DK-5600 Faaborg


Ferry pier

Fynshav ferry port
Fynshav ferry port

Hours of opening

Afgangstider mandag-lørdag Bøjden-Fynshav:
Afgang hver hele ulige time fra kl. 05.00 til kl. 19.00, altså kl. 05.00, kl. 07.00, kl. 09.00, o.s.v. (januar 2013 - maj 2013)
Afgang hver hele time fra kl. 09.00 til kl. 17.00, altså kl. 09.00, kl. 10.00, kl. 11.00, o.s.v. Desuden afgang fra Bøjden kl. 05.00, kl. 07.00, kl. 19.00 og kl. 21.00 (1. juni 2013 - 31. august 2013)
Afgang hver hele ulige time fra kl. 05.00 til kl. 19.00, altså kl. 05.00, kl. 07.00, o.s.v. (september 2013 - december 2013)

Afgangstider søn- og helligdage Bøjden-Fynshav:
Afgang hver hele ulige time fra kl. 07.00 til kl. 21.00, altså kl. 07.00, kl. 09.00, kl. 11.00, o.s.v. (januar 2013 - maj 2013)
Afgang hver hele time fra kl. 09.00 til kl. 17.00, altså kl. 09.00, kl. 10.00, kl. 11.00, o.s.v. Desuden afgang fra Bøjden kl. 07.00, kl. 19.00 og kl. 21.00 (1. juni 2013 - 31. august 2013)
Afgang hver hele ulige time fra kl. 07.00 til kl. 21.00, altså kl. 07.00, kl. 09.00, o.s.v. (september 2013 - december 2013) tager forbehold for ændrede afgangstider.

AlsFærgen: Bøjden - Fynshav
Sejltid: 50 minutter
Mødetid: Senest 15 minutter før afgang


86 km
0,7 km
26 m


DK-6430 Nordborg




132 km
0,0 km
17 m


DK-6200 Aabenraa







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