Cycle Tour Around the Great Belt
Travel report: Odense-Nyborg-Skælskør-Vordingborg-Onsevig-Svendborg-Odense
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Added on 29 Mar 2018,
on 05 Jun 2018
Cycle route metrics
Total distance in km
Cumulative elevation gain in m
Avg. slope uphill in %
Cumulative elevation loss in m
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GPX file uploaded | by Ottocolor on 04 Apr 2018
Track points in total
Track points per km (avg)
Start location
Odense, Region of Southern Denmark, DK (11 m NHN)
End location
Odense, Region of Southern Denmark, DK (12 m NHN)
Four days cycle holiday alone in April 2018. Accommodation in my tent at camp sites. Transport by train from Nyborg t(Funen) o Korsoer (Zealand) and by ferry from Taars (Lolland) to Spodsbjerg (Langeland)
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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taken over / edited on | 29 Mar 2018
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I'll set out on this bicycle trip across Eastern Funen to the old city of Nyborg (Newcastle in translation, but everything is relative, you know). Here I have a look at the reconstruction of Nyborg Castle, which is to be restored as it stood in the middle ages. After the Great Belt crossing to Korsoer, I head south. On the trip, I will go through the southern Zealand landscape with its coastal cliffs with outer islands that form lagoons behind. Towns to be (shortly) visisted are the fruit and marmalade town of Skaelskoer, the summer town of Karrebaeksminde, the largish Naestved and Vordingborg with the medieval fortress ruins. Falster, where I spent a whole bicycle holiday in 2016, I go straight across to Lolland. This big flat moraine island has large forests and a lot of sugar beetlands. The tour passes Knuthenborg safari park and on to the bronze age mound of Birket Bavnehoej. With staggering 30m it's Lolland's highest point. My replanned stage goal will be a tiny camp site at a secluded bay on Norhthern Lolland, called Onsevig. Of towns on Lolland, I will have a look at Sakskoebing. Otherwise nature (and agriculture, as it is) will reign throughout. After the crossing to Langeland, the bike tour peters out with some island hopping, first Langeland traversely with the hatshaped hills, the tiny Siø and the hilly Taasinge. Svendborg has to do without me, before hitting the roof of the tour in the hills of Egebjerg, the counterpart of Svanninge hills further west. Route 55 will carry me safely back to Odense. Possibly I jump on the train from Svendborg at some point. All in all this promise to be four enjoyable vacation days in the saddle and in my tent at night. In mid-April, I probably will need my Estonian super sleeping bag from the Nordic cold wave in May last year. But i want to go low-budget, so anythin more luxurious than camping is no-go. In addition, I intend to cook my own food on my gas cooker. And drink water. Okay, the latter condition will surely not be met. But the former ones do. You bet.
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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taken over / edited on | 30 Mar 2018 - 04 Apr 2018
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Travel to and from ...
No travel to and from! I'll bike all the way except the two Great Belt crossings out- and homebound.
The trip was accomplished as planned, with only minor detours on Eastern Lolland in order to shorten it slightly.
Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure
Name and address
Latitude / Longitude
Type of accommodation
Rating for cyclists
Route km
Dist. to route
4 km
0,1 km
26 m
4 km
0,0 km
13 m
37 km
0,3 km
8 m
Nyborg is a city in central Denmark, located in Nyborg Municipality on the island of Funen and with a population of 16,577 (as of 1 January 2012). Nyborg is one of the 14 large municipalities created on 1 January 2007. This change boosted the population of Nyborg Municipality from around 18,000 to 31,009.
Nyborg was first mentioned in 1193 in the history of Denmark as Nyborg Castle, which still exists today, but the town itself was not mentioned before the year 1202. In the 17th century, Nyborg was one of three major, fortified towns in Denmark, together with Fredericia and Copenhagen . Each was placed near an important body of water - in Nyborg's case, the Great Belt (Storebælt). In 1659 the city was captured by theSwedes and relieved by an expeditionary fleet sent by the Dutch, then Denmark's allies, commanded by admiral De Ruyter .
In 1867 the fortress was abolished and the town expanded beyond the ramparts. Much of the town's southern ramparts were destroyed in this process and converted into residential areas. The western and much of the northern ramparts still exist and form the scene of an annual theatre known as Nyborg Voldspil, which is Denmark's oldest outdoor theater.
From 1183 to 1413 it was the gathering place for Danehoffet, which was the country's legislative and judicial assembly. Nyborg is therefore considered Denmark's capital during this period. Christian II of Denmark was born at Nyborg Castle.
In 2005, plans about expanding Nyborg Harbour came to life and Nyborg Harbour, which previously connected Funen to Sealand with the old ferries (until 1996) now contains several large luxury-apartment buildings.
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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Nyborg. (2013, March 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:27, April 7, 2013, from |
taken over / edited on | 07 Apr 2013
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37 km
0,1 km
4 m
38 km
1,1 km
5 m