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Cycle Tour Bike holiday along the upper Rhine 2015

Dag 10: Neuf Brisach-Kehl



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Bike holiday along the upper Rhine 201550150250350020406080100120

Added on 29 Jul 2015

on 19 Dec 2015

Cycle route metrics


Total distance in km


Cumulative elevation gain in m


Avg. slope uphill in %


Cumulative elevation loss in m


Min. height


Max. height


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner


Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 29 Jul 2015

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Neuf-Brisach, Grand Est, FR (205 m NHN)

End location

Kehl, Baden-Württemberg, DE (111 m NHN)

ridden on

21 Jul 2015


The heatwave just goes on and on. And the sun shines all day long.

Temperaturverlauf am 21.07.2015 10°20°30°40°11:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:0027° - 34,9°


Campingpark Kehl
DE-77694 Kehl


A day almost exclusively on gravel paths along the river and through forests. Two detours into towns on tarmac roads.

Slope Gradient Distribution


I make a morning trip into Neuf-Brisach and have a look at the fortifications before breakfast. After it I have a shower in the lawn sprinkler on the campsite as it's unbearably hot. We pack and go past the Rhine bridge again and continue our northbound ride through the forests along the Rhine. We fill up our water bottles at a football club, where I fall down some concrete steps and hurt my leg and foot and break my watchstrap. Ouch! The lack of water becomes a problem today. We have some problems finding an open shop in order to buy some lunch, but we finally succeed in Oberhausen and enjoy a luxurious lunch break in an open hut on the very river bank. I have a swim in a stream away from the Rhine with very strong current, while Simon's having a nap. After some hour's ride we're really thirsty, and are saved by a woman who lets us fill our bottles from a tap at a yacht club. We bought some cake at Meissenheim, which we have with coffee at a lake som kilometres away from the route, but we needed to cool down and have a swim. Fairly late arrival at our goal of Kehl, but I manage to do some extensive shopping at a supermarket and prepare dinner in the camping kitchen. We have dinner at the tents. Relaxing outside the tents. It's a perfect summer night.

Travel report

Camping Vauban lå i en dejlig have/Camping Vauban sits in a lovely garden
Camping Vauban lå i en dejlig have/Camping Vauban sits in a lovely garden
Et køligt brusebad i heden/A cold shower in the heat of the day
Et køligt brusebad i heden/A cold shower in the heat of the day
Der er også en cykelreparationsstation/Theyʹve even got a bike repair station
Der er også en cykelreparationsstation/Theyʹve even got a bike repair station
Flod, sti og skov fra venstre mod højre. Hele dagen/River, path and forest left to right. All day
Flod, sti og skov fra venstre mod højre. Hele dagen/River, path and forest left to right. All day
Frokost i en åben hytte ved floden/Lunch in an open hut on the riverbank
Frokost i en åben hytte ved floden/Lunch in an open hut on the riverbank
Simon sover middagssøvn i middagsheden/Simonʹs having a nap in the midday heat
Simon sover middagssøvn i middagsheden/Simonʹs having a nap in the midday heat
mens jeg bader i dette afløb med stærk strøm/while I have a swim in this stream with a fast current
mens jeg bader i dette afløb med stærk strøm/while I have a swim in this stream with a fast current
Fred og ølhygge uden for teltet på c-pladsen/Peace and a beer outside the tent on the campsite
Fred og ølhygge uden for teltet på c-pladsen/Peace and a beer outside the tent on the campsite
Simon nyder en velfortjent cola mens han læser/Simonʹs enjoying a well deserved cola while reading
Simon nyder en velfortjent cola mens han læser/Simonʹs enjoying a well deserved cola while reading