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Cycle Tour Bike holiday to Hamburg

Dag/day 2: Flensburg-Rendsburg



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Bike holiday to Hamburg0100200020406080100120

Added on 27 Aug 2018

on 02 Sep 2018

Cycle route metrics


Total distance in km


Cumulative elevation gain in m


Avg. slope uphill in %


Cumulative elevation loss in m


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner


Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

Link to the description of the license

GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 27 Aug 2018

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, DE (4 m NHN)

End location

Rendsburg, Schleswig-Holstein, DE (-295 m NHN)

ridden on

14 Aug 2018


Cloudy with a single heavy shower and later a few drops of rain. Still quite warm with temperatures just above 20°C. Insignificant winds.

Temperaturverlauf am 14.08.2018 10°15°20°25°11:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020° - 23°


Hotel Pelli Hof
Materialhofstraße 1
DE-24768 Rendsburg

Slope Gradient Distribution

Travel report

Klar til at cykle af sted fra hostel Flensbed/Ready to go leaving hostel Flensbed
Klar til at cykle af sted fra hostel Flensbed/Ready to go leaving hostel Flensbed
Det dansk-østrigske mindesmærke ved Sankelmark/The Danish-Austrian monument at Sankelmark
Det dansk-østrigske mindesmærke ved Sankelmark/The Danish-Austrian monument at Sankelmark
Kirken i Oversø med sit runde kampestenstårn/The church of Oeversee with its round boulder tower
Kirken i Oversø med sit runde kampestenstårn/The church of Oeversee with its round boulder tower
Trist syn: Den kongl. priv. kro i Oversø brændt/A deplorable sight: Oeversee inn burnt down
Trist syn: Den kongl. priv. kro i Oversø brændt/A deplorable sight: Oeversee inn burnt down
En stump af Dannevirke med museet bagerst/A part of the Dannevirke rampart with the museum
En stump af Dannevirke med museet bagerst/A part of the Dannevirke rampart with the museum
Valdemarsmuren fra ca. 1170 af teglsten/The Valdemar brickwall from about 1170
Valdemarsmuren fra ca. 1170 af teglsten/The Valdemar brickwall from about 1170
På toppen af den genopbyggede Skanse 14 fra 1864/On top of redoubt No. 14 from 1864
På toppen af den genopbyggede Skanse 14 fra 1864/On top of redoubt No. 14 from 1864
Alexander på vej fremad/Aleanderʹs moving ahead
Alexander på vej fremad/Aleanderʹs moving ahead
her på et originalt stykke af Oksevejen/here on an original part of the Ox road
her på et originalt stykke af Oksevejen/here on an original part of the Ox road
Vores hotel i en renæssance-bygning/Our hotel is situated in a renaissance building
Vores hotel i en renæssance-bygning/Our hotel is situated in a renaissance building
En sulten gæst venter på sin aftensmad/A hungry guest waiting for his supper
En sulten gæst venter på sin aftensmad/A hungry guest waiting for his supper
Rendsborgs gamle rådhus på torvet i den gamle by/Rendsburgʹs old townhall on the market square
Rendsborgs gamle rådhus på torvet i den gamle by/Rendsburgʹs old townhall on the market square