Cycle Tour Vienna - Cracow
Planned tour: auf dem EuroVelo 9 und dem EuroVelo 4
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Added on 02 Jun 2018,
on 02 Jun 2018
Cycle route metrics
Total distance in km
Cumulative elevation gain in m
Avg. slope uphill in %
Cumulative elevation loss in m
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GPX file uploaded | by biroto-Redaktion on 02 Jun 2018
Track points in total
Track points per km (avg)
Start location
, Wien, AT (200 m NHN)
End location
Krakow, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, PL (202 m NHN)
Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure
Name and address
Latitude / Longitude
Type of accommodation
Rating for cyclists
Route km
Dist. to route
0 km
0,0 km
193 m
Hours of opening
täglich 9-17 Uhr
1 km
2,7 km
174 m
1 km
0,4 km
192 m

The Belvedere is a historic building complex in Vienna , Austria, consisting of two Baroque palaces (the Upper and Lower Belvedere), the Orangery, and the Palace Stables. The buildings are set in a Baroque park landscape in the third district of the city, on the south-eastern edge of its centre. It houses the Belvedere museum
. The grounds are set on a gentle gradient and include decorative tiered fountains and cascades, Baroque sculptures, and majestic wrought iron gates. The Baroque palace complex was built as a summer residence for Prince Eugene of Savoy.
The Belvedere was built during a period of extensive construction in Vienna, which at the time was both the imperial capital and home to the ruling Habsburg dynasty. This period of prosperity followed on from the commander-in-chief Prince Eugene of Savoy's successful conclusion of a series of wars against the Ottoman Empire.
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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Wikipedia contributors, 'Belvedere, Vienna', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 15 January 2015, 19:19 UTC, <,_Vienna&oldid=642642175> [accessed 18 January 2015] |
taken over / edited on | 18 Jan 2015
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Hours of opening
Oberes Belvedere Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien | Unteres Belvedere, Orangerie Rennweg 6, 1030 Wien |
Prunkstall Rennweg 6, 1030 Wien | Winterpalais Himmelpfortgasse 8, 1010 Wien |
21er Haus |
3 km
0,7 km
187 m

Vienna (German: Wien; Austro-Bavarian: Wean) is the capital of the Republic of Austria and by far its most populous city, with an urban population of 1.7 million and a metropolitan population of 2.4 million. It is by far the largest city in Austria and the country's artistic, cultural, economic and political centre. It is known for its high living standards, relaxed yet elegant lifestyle and rich musical life.
Innere Stadt is the most inner district of Vienna. Its historic centre dates back to Roman ages and has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. It is encircled by the Ring Road (Ringstraße), a grand boulevard constructed along the old city walls, which were torn down starting in 1858. Along the Ringstraße are many famous and grand buildings, including the City Hall (Rathaus), the Austrian Parliament, the Hofburg Palace, the Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum), the Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum), and the State Opera House (Wiener Staatsoper).
The very central point of Innere Stadt is the famous St. Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom), perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Vienna. From there, many of Vienna's most famous streets expand in every direction, including Graben and Kärntner Strasse. The centre is largely pedestrianized, and the remainder of streets open to traffic are mostly reserved for bus and taxi traffic - driving around is an intricate affair and is best avoided.
Religious buildings
- ⊙St. Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom), Stephansplatz 3 (U1/U3 Stephansplatz), ☎ +43 1 51552305 4. Daily M-Sa 06:00-22:00, Su and holidays 07:00-22:00; visitation for tourists: M-Sa 09:00-11:30, 13:00-16:30, Su and holidays 13:00-16:300; tour of cathedral and treasury: M-Sa 10:30 (English), daily 15:00 (German). Yet another patchwork of architectural styles, but predominantly Gothic. None of the original construction remains, the oldest extant sections are the thirteenth century Giant Gate (Riesentor) and Towers of the Heathens (Heidentürme), both of which are Romanesque. In 1511, building in Gothic style ceased due to being out of fashion. The main altar has a Baroque panel showing St. Stephen, Christianity's first martyr. The organized tour is worth it, since some of the finest works of art in the cathedral can only be seen with a guide, such as Emperor Frederick III's red marble sepulchre and the immense Gothic carved Altar of Wiener Neustadt. Cathedral/treasury tour: €5 (adults), €3 (students 14-18), €2 (children under 14).
- South Tower (Südturm) (access from the outside). Daily 09:00-17:30 (no registration required). The 137m-high tower, often known by its Viennese diminutive Steffl (also a nickname for the entire cathedral), was finished in 1433. 347 steps lead to the Türmerstube and to a good view. €4.5 (adults), €2 (school parties 15-18 yrs), €1.50 (children 6-14 yrs).
- North Tower (Nordturm). Daily Sep-June 08:15-16:30, Jul-Aug 08:15-18:00. Steffl's intended twin, this tower was never finished. Over fifty years later, in 1579, a Renaissance spire was added to the Nordturm to make it look less like the builders had stormed off the job. This is where the Pummerin, a huge bell cast from melted-down Turkish cannons, hangs. The aborted tower has an observation deck with an amazing view of downtown Vienna. Lift: €5 (adults), €2 (children 6-14 yrs), €.50 (children under 6).
- Catacombs (Katakomben), ☎ +43 1 51552305 4 (for group registrations of 15+ people). M-Sa 10:00-11:30, 13:30-16:30; Su and holidays 13.30-16:30; tours depart every 15-30 min. Legions of bishops and Habsburg body parts are buried here (the intestines, specifically). €5 (adults), €3 (school parties 14-18 yrs), €2 (children under 14).
- Treasury (Domschatz) (in the west gallery). M-Sa 10:00-18:00, Su and holidays 13:00-18:00. Displays the most precious objects from the cathedral's treasury. €4 (adults), €1.50 (children under 14).
- Roof Walk (Dachrundgang) (meet at the South Tower). Jun-Sep Sa 19:00. For an unusual perspective of the cathedral, consider taking a 90-minute guided tour of the roof. €10 (adults), €4 (children under 14).
- ⊙Imperial Crypt (Kaisergruft), Tegetthoffstraße 2, ☎ +43 1 51268531 6. Daily 10:00-18:00, closed 1-2 Nov. Located underneath the Kapuzinerkirche, this mausoleum houses the tombs of generations of Habsburg royalty. €5.50 (adults), €12 (families), €4.50 (seniors/students/groups), €2.50 (children under 14).
- ⊙Jesuit Church (Jesuitenkirche), Dr-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 1, ☎ +43 1 51252320. Daily 07:00-18:30. Has one of the most elaborate Baroque interiors in Europe.
- ⊙St. Rupert's Church (Ruprechtskirche), Ruprechtsplatz 1/2, ☎ +43 1 5356003. M-F 10:00-12:00, M W F 15:00-17:00. Believed to be the oldest church in Vienna, although recent excavations around the foundations of two other churches (Stephansdom and Peterskirche) have challenged this view. Earliest mention of the church in historical records is in 1200; the current structure dates from the Romanesque period, while the interior was renovated during the Baroque era.
- ⊙St. Peter's Church (Peterskirche), Petersplatz, ☎ +43 1 5336433. M-F 07:00-20:00, Sa Su and holidays 09:00-21:00. The church is believed to date back to the Middle Ages, and recent excavations suggest that the foundation may be far older than previously believed. The current structure was built during the Baroque period, and most recently restored from 1998-2004. There are regular organ concerts at 15:00 (free).
- ⊙, Passauer Platz 1. This gothic church was used by sailors on the Danube river. Its name refers to the former location near the river. Communion celebrations are held in German, French, and Czech.
This immense palace complex grew into a large, unwieldy series of buildings over the years and was the imperial residence of the Habsburg emperors until 1918. What began as a medieval castle (whose chapel is the only original element of that building to survive) was expanded and redecorated as the Habsburgs' power increased correspondingly. The Palace Stables and Amalia's Wing were added in the 16th century; the Imperial Chancery Wing, Court Library, and Spanish Riding School were added in the 18th; most recently St Michael's Wing (Michaelertrakt) was tacked on and around 1900 the New Palace (Neue Hofburg) was completed. Each separate building contains so many treasures that the time spent moving from one to another is like opening box after box of fabulous jewels. The palace now houses the offices of the Austrian President, a convention center, and the Spanish Riding School with its Lipizzaner stallions, as well as several museums.
- ⊙Imperial Apartments (Kaiserappartements), Michaelerplatz (U3 Herrengasse; tram 1, 2, D, J, alight at Burgring; bus 2A or 3A, alight at Hofburg), ☎ +43 1 5337570. Sep-Jun daily 09:00-17:30, Jul-Aug daily 09:00-18:00. This trio of museums includes the Imperial Apartments (Kaiserappartements), Sisi Museum, and Imperial Silver Collection (Silberkammer). The Imperial Apartments and Sisi Museum include 22 state rooms of the residential and state apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph I and Empress Elisabeth (popularly known as Sisi) and show 19th-century imperial life. The Imperial Silver Collection displays unique items of the glittering world of imperial dining. Combined ticket: €11.50 (adults), €10.50 (students/disabled/Vienna Card), €7 (children 6-18).
- ⊙Imperial Treasury (Schatzkammer; aka the Secular and Ecclesiastical Treasures), Hofburg Schweizerhof (Neue Hofburg), ☎ +43 1 525240. M, W-Su 09:00–17:30. The best part of the Hofburg and an absolute must. It contains the Habsburgs' collection of jewels, crowns, and other valuables, perhaps the best on the Continent. Second only to a tour of the Kunsthistorisches Museum itself, of which the Schatzkammer is officially a part. There are 20 rooms of priceless treasures that give a fairly accurate representation of the ceremonial Habsburg court life over the centuries. €6 (as a combined ticket with the Museum of Fine Arts).
- ⊙New Palace (Neue Hofburg), Heldenplatz. The newest and largest section of the Imperial Palace. It contains the Welt Museum Wien, the Papyrus Museum, and three branches of the Museum of Fine Arts.
- Ephesos Museum, ☎ +43 1 52524490 2. W-Su 10:00-18:00, last admission 17:30. Contains classical art from Ephesus, in Asia Minor. Admission included with ticket for Museum of Fine Arts.
- Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente), ☎ +43 1 52524460 2. W-Su 10:00-18:00, last admission 17:30. Admission included with ticket for Museum of Fine Arts.
- Collection of Arms and Armour (Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer), ☎ +43 1 52524450 2. W-Su 10:00-18:00, last admission 17:30. The jewel of the New Palace is the Collection of Arms. This collection, second largest in the world, houses an immense and exhaustive representation of weaponry from past centuries. Admission included with ticket for Museum of Fine Arts.
- Papyrus Museum (Papyrusmuseum), Heldenplatz, ☎ +43 1 53410420. T-W 10:00-18:00, Th 10:00-21:00, F-Su 10:00-18:00. One of the largest collections of its kind in the world, it includes nearly 180,000 manuscripts spanning 3,000 years of Egyptian history. 200 items are on permanent display. €4 (adults), €3.60 (Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), €3.50 (seniors), €3 (students/military/disabled); includes admission to the Globe and Esperanto Museums (listed below with the Austrian National Library).
- Weltmuseum Wien (formerly the Ethnological Museum / Museum für Völkerkunde), ☎ +43 1 53430505 2. W-M 10:00-18:00. This collection encompasses many thousands of artifacts from across the globe. The most famous piece in its collection however is a headdress believed to have belonged to the last Aztec emperor Moctezuma. €8 (adults), €7 (Vienna Card), €6 (concessions), free (under 19 yrs).
- Austrian National Library (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek), Josefsplatz 1, ☎ +43 1 53410348. Card catalogs may be an anachronism in today’s digitized world, but this library had the first one in existence, invented by the Habsburg court librarian. Unlike the printed library catalogs of the past, bound into book form, the card catalog could be rapidly updated and the library kept up-to-date. This well-ordered reader's paradise has a collection that outshines many museums, thanks to its long association with the Habsburg imperial family. It gained an impressive collection when Emperor Josef II dissolved all the empire's monasteries – 300 manuscripts, 3,000 printed books, and 5000 diplomata. The library's collection is approximately six million items strong and is the largest in Austria. It is a pioneer in digitalizing and placing its collection online. The oldest book in the collection is a fifteenth century Holy Gospels manuscript with scenes representing the four Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) containing the coats of arms of the House of Austria, Styria, Tirol, and Carinthia, then ruled by Albrecht III, the book's owner.
- ⊙State Hall (Prunksaal), Josefsplatz 1, 1st Floor, ☎ +43 1 53410394. T-W 10:00-18:00, Th 10:00-21:00, F-Su 10:00-18:00. This magnificent historic library was designed by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and built in 1726. €7 (adults), €6.30 (Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), €5.50 (seniors), €4.50 (students/military/disabled).
- ⊙Globe Museum (Globenmuseum), Herrengasse 9, Palais Mollard-Clary, 1st Floor, ☎ +43 1 53410710. T-W 10:00-18:00, Th 10:00-21:00, F-Su 10:00-18:00. The only museum of its type in the world, this museum contains a collection of 650 globes of all types, as well as a collection of nearly 300,000 historic maps. €4 (adults), €3.60 (Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), €3.50 (seniors), €3 (students/military/disabled); includes admission to the Esperanto and Papyrus Museums.
- ⊙Esperanto Museum (Esperantomuseum), Herrengasse 9, Palais Mollard-Clary, Ground Floor, ☎ +43 1 53410730. T-W 10:00-18:00, Th 10:00-21:00, F-Su 10:00-18:00. Founded in 1927, this museum houses a library and museum with displays illustrating the development and grammar of the modern invented language Esperanto. €4 (adults), €3.60 (Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), €3.50 (seniors), €3 (students/military/disabled); includes admission to the Globe and Papyrus Museums.
- ⊙Albertina, Albertinaplatz 1, ☎ +43 1 534830. Th-T 10:00-18:00, W 10:00-21:00. Once a palace, it is now the most popular exhibition space in Vienna, mainly for traditional modern art. The building itself is an experience as well. It is home to a valuable drawing collection, including many works of the German Renaissance painter, Dürer. €11.90 (adults), €9.90 (seniors 60+), €9.70 (Vienna Card), €8.50 (students under 26), €7 (unemployed/military/disabled), free (children/youth under 19).
- ⊙Hearts Crypt, Augustinian Church (Herzgruft, Augustinerkirche), Josefsplatz 1 (facing the sculpture in the center of the square, the entrance is small and easy to miss, on the left hand wall of the square), ☎ +43 1 53309470. Tours M-F 11:00, 15:00. Yet another example of the gruesome divide-and-conquer burial strategy of the Habsburg dynasty. It is said that other dynasties waged countless wars to acquire new lands, but you, happy Austria, marry. Even in death, the Habsburgs placated three different churches with the honor of caring for their remains. The best known, the Kapuzinergruft, contains their actual bodies. St Stephens holds their innards (intestines and other parts taken out during the preservation process). But the Augustinerkirche holds, in the Herzgruft (Heart Crypt), all the Habsburgs' hearts. The tradition began in 1627 with Emperor Ferdinand IV, who wanted to lay his heart at the feet of the Mother of God, literally. His heart, and those of his descendants, are preserved in silver jars which are carefully cared for by the Augustinian friars who run the church. When the renovation was underway it was found that the preservative in some of the caskets had evaporated over the years, leaving nothing but a dried-out, mummified heart.
- ⊙Chapel of the Imperial Palace (Hofburgkapelle), Hofburg - Schweizer Hof, ☎ +43 1 5339927. Visiting: M T 10:00-14:00, F 11:00-13:00; Sunday Mass: 09:15, seating no later than 09:00. The original chapel of the Palace, built in Gothic style 1447-1449, was made over in Baroque style. On Sundays and Catholic holidays (of which the Austrians celebrate many), the Court Musicians perform here. This group is made up of members from the Vienna Boys Choir, as well as performers from the orchestra and choir of the Vienna State Opera.
- ⊙Spanish Riding School (Spanische Hofreitschule), Michaelerplatz 1 (visitor center), ☎ +43 1 5339031. Visitor center: T-Su 09:00-16:00, F 09:00-19:00 during performance days; box office (Josefsplatz): T-F 09:00-12:00. Was first mentioned in a document dated 1572 and is the only equestrian institute in the world which follows a Renaissance model of classical schooling. Eleves, or students, begin their training immediately after completion of Austrian primary education (age 15 or 16), and are expected to be both sporty and clever. The school takes its name from a Spanish breed of horse first mentioned in Roman writings. In 1562, Emperor Maximilian II brought some of these Spanish horses to Austria to found a royal stud farm in Kladrub (Bohemia), housing them for a time in the "Stallburg" (oldest section of the Imperial Palace). The present school location was built in 1572. In 1580, Maximilian's brother, Archduke Karl, founded the stud farm in Lipizza near Trieste
(now Slovenia
). Interest in elegant riding had been growing for about fifty years at that point. During Renaissance times, powerful gentlemen who had already conquered the worlds of finance and politics looked to the writings of antiquity for new learning and an educated lifestyle to which they could aspire. Horsemanship which followed the ancient models described by Socrates and others became the fashion. Xenophon (430 – 354 BC) wrote "Men who understand the art of horsemanship, in truth, look magnificent." Who wouldn't want that? In the new Winter Riding School (built 1729-35), tournaments, masked balls, and other entertainment was held, but this would soon draw to a close – the royal stud farms at Lipizza were threatened by Napoleon several times and twice the precious stud horses were evacuated to Hungary
. No photos or video taping allowed.
- ⊙Butterfly House (Schmetterlinghaus), Burggarten Hofburg, Hanuschgasse, ☎ +43 1 5338570. Apr-Oct M-F 10:00-16:45, Sa-Su 10:00-18:15; Nov-Mar 10:00-15:45. A tropical greenhouse with an amazing collection of live butterflies, will delight both children and adults. €6 (adults), €4.50 (seniors/Vienna Card), €4.50 (children/students), €3 (children 3-16).
Other museums and galleries
- ⊙Museum of Fine Arts (Kunsthistorisches Museum), Maria-Theresien-Platz (U2/U3 Volkstheater, tram D, 1, 2, 46, 49, bus 2A, 57A Burgring Maria-Theresien-Platz Stop), ☎ +43 1 525240. Tu-W, F-Su 10:00–18:00, Th 10:00–21:00. One of the world's greatest art museums and in a palace that is a work of art itself. Serious art fans may wish to devote more than a day to its treasures. There is no other word to describe the Kunst other than mind boggling. It contains a world-class exhibit of the Habsburgs' art collection, including Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, Bosch, and Brueghel. The Museum has an excellent collection of ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman art. The coin & medals collection is also exhaustive in its scope. The Museum cafe is a bit pricey, but good, and in a beautiful setting. Hand-held photography is permitted. €14 (adults), €11 (concessions); admission includes entry to the Ephesos Museum, Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, and Collection of Arms and Armour (see listing below under New Palace).
- ⊙Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum), Burgring 7 (entrance at Maria-Theresien-Platz), ☎ +43 1 521770. W 09:00-21:00, Th-M 09:00-18:30, closed T. This museum was erected as a mirror to its twin museum, the Museum of Fine Arts. It exhibits various minerals, meteorites, fossils, stuffed animals, and skeleton reconstructions of dinosaurs and other. It also includes an anthropological section, where you can see the beautiful Venus of Willendorf which is 25,000 years old. Most signs and explanations in the museum are only in German, and you will likely receive little sympathy for this from museum staff. Expect museum guards to rush you out at least 15 minutes before closing time. €10 (adults), €8 (seniors/Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), €5 (students/apprentices/military), free (disabled/children/youth under 19).
- ⊙Winter Palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy (Winterpalais des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen), Himmelpfortgasse 8, ☎ +43 1 79557134. Daily 10:00-18:00. This Baroque palace was originally built as a residence for Prince Eugene of Savoy, and later used for the Court Treasury and Ministry of Finance. It now houses period furnishings and exhibits detailing the biography of the prince and the history of the palace. €9 (adults), €8 (Vienna Card), €7 (seniors/students), free (children/youth under 19).
- ⊙MAK (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Museum für angewandte Kunst), Stubenring 5 (Subway U3, tram 1, 2, bus 1A, 74A to Stubentor, and U4 to Landstrasser Hauptstrasse, City Airport Train from the airport to Bahnhof Wien Mitte), ☎ +43 1 711360. T 10:00-22:00, W-Su 10:00-18:00. The museum has the MAK Design Shop and a study collection. The museum exhibits contemporary art, design, and architecture. €7.90 (adults), €5.50 (seniors/students/military), €6.30 (Ö1 Club/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free on T from 18:00-22:00.
- ⊙House of Music (Haus der Musik), Seilerstätte 30 (U1/U2/U4, trams 1/2/62/65/J/D, stop Karlsplatz/Opernring), ☎ +43 1 5134850. Daily 10:00-22:00, last admission 21:30. This is a relatively new and special museum devoted to an interactive learning experience. It covers the history of the Vienne Philharmonic Orchestra, the history of Vienna as a centre of music making (Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mahler, Schubert and others are documented). In addition there are the more experimental sections of futuristic composition (The Brain Opera) and sound experiences. €12 (adults), €9 (seniors/students/disabled), €5.50 (children 3-12), free (children under 3).
- ⊙Museum at the Scottish Monastery (Museum am Schottenstift), Freyung 6A (U2, trams 1,2,37-38,40-44, D, stop Schottentor), ☎ +43 1 53498600. T-Sa 11:00-17:00. A nice, small picture gallery mainly of Baroque Austrian painting. €8 (adults), €6 (seniors/students), €4 (Vienna Card/NÖ Card), €2 (children 6-15).
- ⊙Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts (Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste), Schillerplatz 3, 1st floor, ☎ +43 1 58816222 2. T-Su and holidays 10:00-18:00. A gallery owned by the Academy of Fine Arts, to which Hitler applied to before he decided to change to politics. It offers some paintings by Rubens and Bosch. Most interesting are the Renaissance and medieval exponents. €8 (adults), €7 (Vienna Card), €5 (seniors/students/disabled), free (children/youth under 19).
- ⊙Museum Postsparkasse (Otto Wagner Museum), Georg Coch-Platz 2 (near the Schwedenplatz U1 stop, trams 1,2, 21, N), ☎ +43 5990 533825. M-F 10:00-17:00. At the post office of his original design. At this museum you can see the more serious aspect of his artistic enterprise, that of public life. At the museum you can see some of the original furniture as well as his plans. €6 (adults), €4 (seniors/students), free (children under 10).
- ⊙Austrian Film Museum (Österreichisches Filmmuseum), Augustinerstraße 1 (next to the Albertina), ☎ +43 1 5337054. A cinema for showing specially curated films and retrospective.
- ⊙Clock Museum (Uhrenmuseum), Schulhof 2 (near Judenplatz), ☎ +43 1 5332265. T-Su and holidays 10:00-18:00. A collection of 3000 clocks of all types, including a prized 18th-century astronomical clock. €6 (adults), €4 (seniors/students/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free the first Sunday of every month.
- ⊙Bank Austria Kunstforum, Freyung 8, ☎ +43 1 5373326. Sa-W 10:00-19:00, F 10:00-21:00. This venue hosts special exhibits of internationally-renowned artists; past exhibits have displayed work by Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Cézanne, Picasso, and Van Gogh. €10 (adults), €8.50 (seniors), €6 (youth 17-27), €4 (children 6-16).
- ⊙Fantastic Realism Museum (Phantastenmuseum), Palais Palffy, Josefplatz 6, ☎ +43 1 51256810. Daily 10:00-18:00. An unusual museum dedicated to the work of the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism (Wiener Schule des Phantastischen Realismus), highlighting works by artists Ernst Fuchs, Arik Brauer, Rudolf Hausner, Wolfgang Hutter and Fritz Janschka. An extra section of the museum displays paintings by international artists, and the first floor is devoted to rotating special exhibits. €9 (adults), €7 (concessions), free (children under 6).
- ⊙Cathedral and Diocese Museum (Dom- und Diözesanmuseum), Stephansplatz 6, ☎ +43 1 51552330 0. Currently undergoing extensive remodeling; will reopen in 2015. A collection of liturgical implements, illustrated manuscripts, altarpieces, and sculptures. The
- ⊙Austrian Theater Museum (Österreichisches Theatermuseum), Lobkowitzplatz 2, ☎ +43 1 52524346 0. W-M 10:00-18:00. Housed in the Baroque Lobkowitz Palace, this museum displays stage models, costumes, and props, with special temporary exhibits. €8 (adults), €7 (Vienna Card), €6 (concessions), free (children/youth under 19).
- ⊙MUSA Museum Start Gallery Artothek, Felderstraße 6-8, ☎ +43 1 40008400. T W F 11:00-18:00, Th 11:00-20:00, Sa 11:00-16:00; closed Su Mo and holidays. Hosts special exhibits of contemporary Austrian art. Free.
Historic sites
- ⊙Beethoven Pasqualatihaus, Mölker Bastei 8, ☎ +43 1 5358905. T-Su and holidays 10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00. This 18th-century building is located atop the Mölker Bastei, one of the only remaining sections of the old city wall. For 8 years Beethoven lived in a 4th-floor apartment in this building, where he composed his 4th-8th symphonies as well as his opera Fidelio. The museum preserves many of the composer's personal effects, and displays documents illustrating his life and work. €4 (adults), €3 (seniors/students/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free the first Sunday of every month.
- ⊙Jewish Museum Vienna (Jüdisches Museum Wien), Dorotheergasse 11. Su-F 10:00-18:00; closed on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. A museum documenting the history of Vienna's substantial Jewish community which included Zweig, Freud, Herzl, Mahler, and Schoenberg. Three sites are available for one combined ticket: two museum sites and the main synagogue. Attached to the museum at Judenplatz are the archaeological remains of a medieval synagogue. The Stadttempel, the only historical synagogue in Vienna to have survived World War II, is accessible on through the guided tour. €10 (adults), €8 (concessions), €5 (students), free (children under 15); includes admission to the branch on Judenplatz.
- ⊙Jewish Museum Judenplatz (Jüdisches Museum Judenplatz), Judenplatz 8. S-Th 10:00-18:00, F 10:00-14:00; closed on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. A second branch of the Jewish Museum on Dorotheergasse. Underneath the Judenplatz (The Jewish Square) is an underground medieval synagogue excavation. Amazingly, the synagogue was destroyed centuries ago, but its existence was remembered by the area's inhabitants up to the 20th Century. €10 (adults), €8 (concessions), €5 (students), free (children under 15); includes admission to the branch on Dorotheergasse.
- ⊙Stadttempel, Seitenstettengasse 4, ☎ +43 1 53504313 11. Guided tours M-Th 11:30, 14:00; photo ID required. A well preserved 19th-century synagogue, which is being used as the main city's synagogue by the current growing Viennese Jewish community. Visitation with guided tour only, arranged through the Jewish Museum.
- ⊙Michaelerplatz Excavations (Ausgrabungen Michaelerplatz), Michaelerplatz, ☎ +43 1 50587470. Daily 24 hrs. Archeological excavations carried out between 1989 and 1991 revealed not only the foundations of medieval buildings but also remains of the Roman canabae (civilian support settlement) of Vindobona, as Vienna was then known. The viewing area was designed by Viennese architect Hans Hollein. Free.
- ⊙Mozart House (Mozarthaus Vienna), Domgasse 5 (U1/U3 Stephansplatz, east of the cathedral), ☎ +43 1 5121791. Daily 10:00-19:00, last admission 18:30. This is the Viennese residence of Austria's most famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and a branch of the Vienna Museum. €10 (adults), €8 (concessions), €3 (children under 14).
- ⊙Neidhart Frescoes (Neidhart Fresken), Tuchlauben 19, ☎ +43 1 5359065. T-Su and holidays 10:00-13:00, 14:00-18:00. The oldest secular wall paintings known in Vienna, in a 14th-century building. The frescoes were commissioned in 1398 and illustrate scenes from the life and poetry of the Viennese minnesinger Neidhart von Reuental. €4 (adults), €3 (seniors/students/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free the first Sunday of every month.
- ⊙Roman Museum (Römermuseum), Hoher Markt 3, ☎ +43 1 5355606. T-Su and holidays 09:00-18:00. This museum houses a collection of artifacts from the Roman settlement of Vindobona, as Vienna was then known. There are Roman ruins in the cellar of the museum itself, first discovered during construction work in 1948, and for many years only accessible to the public via a narrow staircase, before the building was transformed into a full-fledged museum 2008. €6 (adults), €4 (seniors/students/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free the first Sunday of every month.
- ⊙Roman Ruins Am Hof (Römische Baureste Am Hof), Am Hof, ☎ +43 1 50587470. Currently closed for restoration. Early Roman ruins from Vienna's earliest days as a Roman fort, located in the basement of the Fire Brigade Building.
- ⊙Vergilius Chapel (Virgilkapelle), Stephansplatz (access in the subway station Stephansplatz (U1/U3), directly by the cathedral), ☎ +43 1 5135842. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. A 13th-century subterranean chapel located beneath the former Chapel of St Mary Magdalene (no longer standing, but outlines have been traced on the pavement directly south of Stephansdom). This chapel served as the tomb for a wealthy Viennese family and was completely forgotten until construction of the underground in 1975. €5 (adults), €4 (seniors/students/Vienna Card), free (children/youth under 19), free the first Sunday of every month.
- ⊙Heroes' Square (Heldenplatz). A public space in front of the Neue Hofburg, setting to a number of important historic events, most notably of Adolf Hitler's 1938 announcement of the Austrian Anschluß. Two 19th-century equestrian statues portray Archduke Charles of Austria-Teschen and Prince Eugene of Savoy.
- ⊙Stock im Eisen (literally: staff in iron), Stock-im-Eisen-Platz (corner of Palais Equitable). The remaining midsection of a medieval nail tree (Nagelbaum). Over the centuries hundreds of nails have been hammered in both in thanksgiving and for good luck. The tree figures in a number of local legends.
Other attractions
- ⊙Parliament (Parlament), Doktor-Karl-Renner-Ring 3, ☎ +43 1 40110240 0. Visitor Center: M-Sa 09:30-16:30; tours only when not in use by Parliament. Guided tours are offered in German or English. Tours: €5 (adults), €2.50 (seniors/students/disabled), free (children/youth under 19); Visitor Center: free.
- ⊙Secession Building (Wiener Secession), Friedrichstraße 12 (U-Bahn U1, U2, U4 Karlsplatz), ☎ +43 1 5875307. T-Su 10:00-18:00; guided tours Sa 15:00, Su 11:00 and by appt. Architect Josef Maria Olbrich built this Jugendstil (German-style Art Nouveau) building 1897-98 as a display space for artists working in the new Secession artistic movement. It is topped by a giant, frothy golden ball, lovingly called Krauthappel by the Viennese, but the building was definitely not loved when it first opened. Notice a reactionary Viennese pattern here? The opera building too was hated at first, but at least it was not called a temple for bullfrogs or a bastard begot of temple and warehouse as the this building was. The entryway features the motto of the Secessionist movement: Der Zeit ihre Kunst, der Kunst ihre Freiheit (to the time, its art, to the art, its freedom). Olbrich's mentor Otto Wagner, and also Gustav Klimt, whose astounding Beethoven Frieze is partially preserved in the basement, inspired the building's design. The ceremonial front entrance is separate from the functional glass and steel exhibit hall in back. Beethoven Frieze + special exhibits: €8.50 (adults), €5 (seniors/students); special exhibits: €5 (adults), €4 (seniors/students); guided tours: €3.
- ⊙Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus), Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, ☎ +43 1 52550. Tours (in German) M W F 13:00, no registration required. Designed by Friedrich von Schmidt (the architect of the Cologne Cathedral) and completed in 1883, this is the most significant neo-Gothic building in Vienna, with a 103m-high clock tower. There is a very pleasant park with two fountains in front of the building facing the Ring. Free; audioguides in English/French/Italian/Spanish available with ID.
- ⊙Ankeruhr, Hoher Markt 10-12. A large 4m-diameter musical clock on a pedestrian bridge connecting two neighboring buildings. The clock was designed between 1911 and 1914 by the Judgenstil painter Franz Matsch, and features prominent figures from Viennese history, each with a Roman character. At noon all figures parade across the clock face, accompanied by music. During the Advent season, Christmas songs are played daily at 17:00 and 18:00. Free.
- ⊙Looshaus, Michaelerplatz 3, ☎ +43 1 21136500 0. M-W, F 09:00-15:00; Th 09:00-17:30 (exhibit). Designed by Adolf Loos and completed in 1909, this is considered to be one of the most significant buildings of the Wiener Moderne era from 1890-1910, although initially it was fiercely criticised. Today the building is occupied by the Wiener Raiffeisenbank, but a permanent exhibit in the building has photographs and documents illustrating the building's history.
- ⊙University of Vienna (Universität Wien), Universitätsring 1, ☎ +43 1 42771767 6. Sa 11:30 (English). The university was founded in 1365, and is the oldest university in the German-speaking area, as well as one of the largest in Europe with more than 90.000 students. It consists of 15 faculties amongst them are Law, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology and Translational Studies. The main building (Hauptgebaeude) on the Ringstraße was designed by Heinrich von Ferstel, and formally inaugurated in 1884 by the Emperor Franz Joseph I. Guided tours are offered in German and English, featuring such highlights as the Main Ceremonial Chamber with copies of the ceiling paintings by Gustav Klimt, and the library's Great Reading Room. Tours: €5 (adults), free (children under 6).
- The Ring. The Ringstrasse, or Ring Street, circles the very heart of Vienna. Built on the location of the original city walls, its size is a good indication of how much the city has expanded since medieval times, but more importantly it is the most posh area of downtown. Elegant individuals stroll down the street (there really is no other way to move when walking along the Ring) and play the fashion-do/fashion don’t game under their breath before pausing at one of the innumerable cafes lining the way. A traditional Jause (morning coffee break, around 10AM) and then back to the business at hand, seeing and being seen: Vienna’s favorite pastime.
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3 km
0,2 km
183 m
Hours of opening
Täglich 9–19 Uhr