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Cycle Tour Fünf-Flüsse-Tour

Travel report



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Fünf-Flüsse-TourNürnbergWendelsteinBurg ThannNeumarktBerchingSchloss HirschbergSchlossRosenburgTropfsteinhöhleSchulerlochBad AbbachKlosterPrüfeningKlosterPielenhofenKallmünzSchmidm...Kloster EnsdorfAmbergMaxhütteSchloss NeidsteinHersbruckLaufIndustriegutHammer300400500050100150200250

Added on 04 Apr 2017,

on 25 May 2021

Cycle route metrics



Total distance in km



Cumulative elevation gain in m



Avg. slope uphill in %



Cumulative elevation loss in m



GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner

ihmuc & biroto-Contributors

Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

Link to the description of the license

GPX file taken from

GPX file uploaded

by ihmuc on 04 Apr 2017

Track points in total



Track points per km (avg)




Start location

Nürnberg, Bayern, DE (303 m NHN)

End location

Nürnberg, Bayern, DE (303 m NHN)


abwechslungsreiche, weitgehend unkomplizierte Flussradwanderung mit vielen wunderschönen Abschnitten;

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

04 Apr 2017

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Flusslandschaften aber auch Kanalwege; leicht hügeliges Terrain; manchmal alpin anmutendes Gelände am Wegesrand (Felsen, Wald); idyllische Kleinstädte und Nürnberg als große Stadt in der Runde;

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

04 Apr 2017

taken over / edited by


Travel to and from ...

mit dem PKW von/nach München nach/von Großprüfening;

Sources of information

biroto; Internet;

Connecting cycle path

Verschiedene; z.B. Altmühltalradweg oder auch Donauradweg; 


für mich waren am Schönsten die Abschnitte an den natürlichen Flussläufen - auch der Ludwig-Main-Donau-Kanal war recht interessant, zieht sich aber doch, wenn man ihn, wie ich, an einem Tag bewältigt; die idyllischen Orte am Wegesrand und die beeindruckenden Kirchen sind sehenswert; die Wege fast überall sehr gut - nur kürzere Abschnitte recht ruppig; manchmal war der Wegverlauf nicht ganz eindeutig zu finden (GPS hat dann geholfen, aber auch, dass ich an manch einer Stelle schon vorher war:-));

Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


0 km
1,7 km
305 m


DE-90402 Nürnberg




0 km
1,3 km
300 m


DE-90402 Nürnberg


Boardinghouse / guest house


0 km
1,2 km
318 m


DE-90402 Nürnberg


Hotel without restaurant (garni)


1 km
1,2 km
308 m


DE-90459 Nürnberg




2 km
0,7 km
321 m

Kongresshalle Nürnberg auf dem ehemaligen Reichsparteitagsgelände
Kongresshalle Nürnberg auf dem ehemaligen Reichsparteitagsgelände
Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände
Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände
Ehrenhalle auf dem Luitpoldhain, Nürnberg
Ehrenhalle auf dem Luitpoldhain, Nürnberg
Nürnberg, Zeppelintribüne
Nürnberg, Zeppelintribüne

The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds (German: Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände) is a museum in Nuremberg Wikipedia Icon. It is in the north wing of the unfinished remains of the Congress Hall of the former Nazi party rallies Wikipedia Icon. Attached to the museum is an education forum.

The permanent exhibition "Fascination and Terror" (Faszination und Gewalt) studies the causes, coherence, and consequences of National Socialism. It describes the Nazi Party Rallies and explains the fascination they exercised upon participants and visitors. At the same time, the exhibition endeavors to explain what led to the National Socialists' criminal exercise of power and to reveal how the various causal factors were interrelated. A further goal is a frank presentation of the violent consequences that ensued for the population. The events that are inseparably linked with Nuremberg ("city of the party rally" — Stadt der Reichsparteitage) and the National Socialist period are also explained: the activities of Julius Streicher, editor of the anti-Semitic rabble-rousing weekly Der Stürmer (The Storm Trooper), the history of the Nuremberg Rally, the proclamation of the so-called Nuremberg Laws in 1935, the buildings of the Nazi party rally grounds and the trouble with Nazi architecture after 1945, and the criminal Nuremberg Trials against the chief executives of the National Socialist agenda in 1945-1946 and twelve succeeding trials. The exhibition concludes with an examination of the problem that has been with Germany since 1945: how Germans should deal with the legacy in stone left at the Party Rally Grounds by the National Socialists.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Wikipedia contributors, 'Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 22 February 2014, 13:21 UTC, <> [accessed 17 March 2014]

taken over / edited on

17 Mar 2014

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Hours of opening

Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m

Sat & Sun:10 a.m. - 6 p.m.





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