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Cycle Tour Thuringia Cycle Loop

Travel report



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Thuringia Cycle LoopEisenach AltstadtGothaErfurtKlassisches WeimarWielandgutRudelsburgNaumburgSchlossNeuenburgLauchaSchlossVitzenburgMuseum Kloster und Kaiserpfalz MemlebenFestung HeldrungenPriorat Sankt WigbertiBad LangensalzaMühlhausenTreffurtMihlaCreuzburg100200300400500050100150200250300350400

Added on 16 Mar 2013,

on 16 Dec 2013

Cycle route metrics



Total distance in km



Cumulative elevation gain in m



Avg. slope uphill in %



Cumulative elevation loss in m



Total cycling hours



Avg. pace in km/h



GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner

ThimbleU & biroto-Contributors

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

GPX file taken from

GPX file uploaded

by ThimbleU on 16 Mar 2013

Track points in total



Track points per km (avg)




Start location

Eisenach, Thüringen, DE (217 m NHN)

End location

Eisenach, Thüringen, DE (217 m NHN)


Die Tour führt durch die Mitte Thüringens mit einem Ausflug nach Sachsen-Anhalt in ihrem östlichen Wendepunkt und damit durch eine geschichtsträchtige Gegend:

  • Mit der Reformation am Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts rückte Thüringen ins Zentrum der deutschen Politik. Luther studierte in Erfurt und in Eisenach auf der Wartburg übersetzte er die Bibel ins Deutsche. Der Bauernkrieg hatte mit den Städten Mühlhausen und Frankenhausen hier zwei seiner Zentren und mit Thomas Müntzer einen starken Anführer.
  • Im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert war Thüringen ein Zentrum deutscher Kultur. Goethe und Schiller wurden an den Hof Sachsen-Weimar gerufen.

Diese Geschichte hat ihre Zeugnisse hinterlassen. Die ehemaligen Residenzstädte Weimar, Eisenach und Gotha weisen ein barock-klassizistisches Stadtbild auf. Erfurt, Mühlhausen und Naumburg haben weitgehend erhaltene mittelalterliche Stadtkerne. Mit der Wartburg und Weimar liegen zwei Weltkulturerbestätten an der Tour.

Im letzten Teil der Tour wird der Hainich passiert. Der Hainich ist ein Buchenurwald, zentrale Bereiche des Nationalparks Hainich wurden 2011 zum Weltnaturerbe erklärt.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

21 Mar 2013

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von Eisenach bis Weimar



von Weimar bis Kaatschen-Weichau


von Kaatschen-Weichau bis Naumburg


von Naumburg bis Mülhlhausen


von Mülhlhausen bis Heldra


von Heldra bis Hörschel


von Hörschel bis Eisenach


Travel to and from ...

Mit dem PKW nach Eisenach.

Sources of information



Rapsfelder an der Hörsel

111 km

Eisenach - Gotha - Erfurt - Weimar

Unstrut-Tal bei Freyburg

97 km

Weimar - Naumburg - Nebra

Getreidefeld bei Langensalza

115 km

Nebra - Langensalza

Fachwerk in Langensalza

102 km

Langensalza - Mühlhausen - Treffurt - Eisenach

Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


0 km
0,5 km
224 m

DE-99817 Eisenach


Old town

Karlsplatz in Eisenach mit Lutherdenkmal, Nikolaikirche und Nikolaitor
Karlsplatz in Eisenach mit Lutherdenkmal, Nikolaikirche und Nikolaitor
Eisenacher Stadtschloss
Eisenacher Stadtschloss
Eisenach, Markt, Ratsapotheke und Rathaus
Eisenach, Markt, Ratsapotheke und Rathaus
Eisenach, Lutherhaus
Eisenach, Lutherhaus

Eisenach is a town in Thuringia, Germany with 42,000 inhabitants. It is the main urban centre of western Thuringia and bordering north-eastern Hessian regions, situated near the former Inner German border. A major attraction is Wartburg Wikipedia Icon castle, which has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1999.

Eisenach was an early capital of Thuringia in the 12th and 13th centuries. St. Elizabeth lived at the court of the Ludowingians here between 1211 and 1228. Later, Martin Luther came to Eisenach and translated the Bible into German. In 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was born here. During the early-modern period, Eisenach was a residence of the Ernestine Wettins and was visited by numerous representatives of Weimar classicism like Johann Wolfgang Goethe. In 1869, the SDAP, one of the two precursors of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) was founded in Eisenach.

Sights and architectural heritage


The city of Eisenach developed during the Middle Ages at the exit of Mariental valley, opening to the Hörsel valley around Marktplatz, Karlsplatz and Frauenplan in a triangle structure. The early-modern period brought extensions to the west (Katharinenstraße), to the north (Jakobstraße) and to the east (in front of Nikolaitor gate). The construction boom between 1850 and 1914 led to a strict division in urban development. South of the historic centre, mansion districts were established on the hillsides of Mariental valley, where the rich factory owners, rentiers and other upper-class people lived. These districts are among the most important examples of this urban type in Germany, and one of the largest in Europe. North of the historic centre, next to the railway and Hörsel river, factories and worker quarters were established. These also host some examples of interesting Gründerzeit architecture. After World War I, the city extended further to the north on the other bank of Hörsel river, where some new residential areas were developed before 1990.

Square ensembles

  • Karlsplatz: adjoins the Nikolaikirche (Church of St. Nicholas) and the Romanesque Nikolaitor (St. Nicholas Gate), the only surviving city gate (out of 5)in the town. The square is seen as the nucleus of the town, it was first mentioned in 1368.
  • Marktplatz: the market square with the Georgenkirche (Church of St. George), the town hall, the Baroque Stadtschloss, as well as a number of highly decorative administration buildings and merchants' houses. It also features the gilded market fountain designed by Hans Leonardt in 1549, showing St. George, the patron saint of Eisenach.
  • Jakobsplan: named after a chapel destroyed by fire in the Middle Ages. Jakobsplan comprises a monument to St. George in the centre of the square, part of the old town walls (including one of the watch towers), and the Goethe Garden.
  • Frauenplan: a small courtyard-type square that takes its name from the "Church of Our Lady". The church was demolished for defence purposes in 1306. Today Frauenplan is the location of the Bachhaus and the Bach monument in front of it.


  • St. George's Church at the market square was first built in the 12th century. The church in which St. Elisabeth was married was demolished in 1515 and replaced by a new structure. Martin Luther held a sermon there on 2 May 1521. Inn 1525, the church was heavily damaged during the Bauernkrieg and during the Reformation it served as a stables. It was rededicated in 1558. On 23 March 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was baptized in the church (the 16th century baptismal font still remains). The tower was added in 1898–1902.
  • St. Nicholas' Church, located on the Karlsplatz, served the Benedictine convent once located in the area. This triple-naved basilica was built in 1180. It is considered the latest example of Romanesque architecture in Thuringia.
  • Preacher's Church at Predigerplatz was part of a former Dominican monastery (founded in 1240 and the only monastery buildings of which remain in the town), today used as a museum for medieval art.
  • St. Elizabeth's Church at Sophienstraße is the Catholic parish church of Eisenach, built in neo-Gothic style in the 1880s.
  • St. Anne's Church at Georgenstraße was founded together with a hospital by St. Elizabeth in 1226.
  • St. Clement's Chapel at Clemensstraße is a small 13th century Romanesque chapel.
  • Holy Cross Churchat the old cemetery was built in the 1690s

    Castles and palaces

    • The most important castle is the Wartburg above the city. For further information, see: Wartburg Wikipedia Icon.
    • The Stadtschloss (town palace) is situated at the north end of the Marktplatz and was built between 1742 and 1745. This palace was constructed to the plans of Gottfried Heinrich Krohne, architect of Ernst August I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar. After 1777 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe frequently stayed here in his capacity as the duke's prime minister. Today the Stadtschloss acts as a venue for special exhibitions and as a museum for artistic and historical artifacts from Thuringia.
    • Hellgrevenhof at Georgenstraße is part of a former inner-city castle, named after Heinrich Hellgreve, a rich citizen who lived here in the late 13th century. It consists of five buildings, the oldest dating to around 1200, although it has been modified several times over the centuries.
    • Bechtolsheim Palace at Jakobsplan is a neoclassical palace, built in the late 18th century.
    • Schloss Fischbach in Fischbach district is a small 17th-century castle.
    • Jagdschloss Hohe Sonne is a hunting lodge south of the city in the Thuringian Forest. It was built in the mid-18th century in the Baroque style.
    • Alte Residenz at Esplanade is the relic of the former ducal residence, rebuilt in the Renaissance style after older predecessors.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Wikipedia contributors, 'Eisenach', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 3 September 2014, 06:42 UTC, [accessed 18 September 2014]

taken over / edited on

18 Sep 2014 - 03 Feb 2020

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0 km
0,2 km
225 m


DE-99817 Eisenach




0 km
0,4 km
226 m


DE-99817 Eisenach


Tourist information

Room reservation for accommodation in Eisenach, the Wartburg region and throughout Thuringia (hotel rooms, inns, guesthouses, private rooms, holiday apartments, cottages)

Coordination group tourism:
Hotel reservations, guided city tours, framework programmes, catering service

Souvenir shop:
Gifts and souvenirs, DVDs and CDs

Guided city tours, Landestheater Eisenach (regional theatre), Parachute jump, Flight

City maps, Hiking maps / hiking guides, Bike maps

Ticket sales:
Landestheater Eisenach (regional theatre), Ticketshop Thüringen, Landestheater Eisenach (regional theatre), Georgenkirche (church) and  many other events in Eisenach

Guest card:
Thüringen Card(Thuringia Card)

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

20 May 2015

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Hours of opening

Monday to Friday 10:00 - 18:00 h
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays 10:00 - 17:00 h


0 km
0,3 km
238 m


DE-99817 Eisenach




1 km
0,2 km
234 m


DE-99817 Eisenach







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