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News now much faster and secured

Date: 09 Mar 2017

Since March 2, we are providing on a more efficient infrastructure. This has resulted in a significantly improved time to provide the pages. As a result of the measurements, the time could be reduced on average to 1/5 of the previous times.

Since March 8, all pages are provided via the more secure HTTPS protocol. This encrypts the content before it is transferred to the Internet. You can detect a secure page on the lock in the address bar of the browser.

For two cases, however, we had to accept exceptions. If you select "Thunderforest OpenCycleMap" or "Thunderforest Transport", the map tiles are not provided by the vendors via HTTPS. In this constellation the map tiles are not transferred in an encrypted manner, but the remaining content, which is provided by biroto, is still encrypted. Thus the lock in the address bar of the browser has a warning or it is no longer displayed (depending on the browser used).

Images of security locks taken from Firefox