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Radtour Montpellier- Köln 2019




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Höhen-Profil Radtour Montpellier- Köln 2019Salins dʹAigues-MortesChâteau dʹAvignonSaintes-Maries-de-la-MerÉglise abbatiale deSaint-Gilles du GardArlesBeaucairePont-Saint-EspritBourg-Saint-AndéolViviersMontélimarValenceTournon-sur-RhôneAndanceChâteau dʹAmpuisLyonAbbaye de ClunyCommunauté deTaizéChâteau deSercyBuxyGivryChalon-sur-SaôneDoleBesançonBaume-les-DamesChâteau de FlévilleNancyPont-à-MoussonJouy-aux-ArchesMetzSierck-les-BainsSchloss ThornVolkskunde- und Freilichtmuseum Roscheider HofKloster ReichensteinReichsabtei Kornelimünster020040060080005010015020025030035040045050055060065070075080085090095010001050110011501200125013001350140014501500

Erstellt am 15.09.2019,

am 15.09.2019




Gesamtlänge in km



Gesamthöhenmeter Aufstieg



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durch iWolfram am 15.09.2019

Gesamtzahl Trackpoints



Trackpoint-Dichte per km





Montpellier, Occitania, FR (18 m NHN)


Bergheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, DE (60 m NHN)

Fahrradfreundliche Unterkünfte, Sehenswertes und Infrastruktur

Name u. Anschrift

Breite / Länge


Art d. Unterkunft


km zur Strecke


0 km
2,7 km
28 m


FR-34170 Castelnau-le-Lez




0 km
0,7 km
36 m


FR-34000 Montpellier


Touristen Information


October to June
9:30 am - 6:00 pm Monday - Saturday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday and bank holidays
July, August, September
9:30 am - 7:30 pm Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday and bank holidays


française ▪ English ▪ Deutsch ▪ italiano ▪ español


0 km
0,8 km
31 m


Michel Jeanjean
FR-34000 Montpellier




0 km
1,1 km
44 m

FR-34000 Montpellier


Historische(s) Gebäude

Montpellier is the principal city in the Languedoc-Roussillon region in southwest France. It's been the fastest growing city in France over the past 25 years and, as a result, it has very modern regions on the outskirts that are in stark contrast to the old winding roads of the city centre. The town is home to a lot of students due to the presence of the University of Montpellier which has the oldest medical school in Europe, and, as such, Montpellier has a very young feel to it.

One of the principal attractions of Montpellier is the climate. It has a dry Mediterranean summer and a mild winter. The city itself isn't on the beach but it is easily accessible via public transport and there are also several beautiful villages that are accessible via bus as a day trip.


Of particular interest in the old centre

  • Écusson (Old Town). Ecusson is the old town of Montpellier. Its streets twist and turn under stone arches and are named after the old businesses that resided there. The old businesses have long been replaced by modern ones but the old town has maintained its historic feel. It's easily accessible from Place de la Comédie by walking up Rue de la Loge, although Rue de la Loge itself is wide and very modernised and you should head off the main roads to get into the small windy streets. Place St Roch is a particularly nice area that is worth heading towards. 
  • La promenade du Peyrou (La Place Royale du Peyrou). A three hectare esplanade established in 1689 and situated on the west side of the old town (Écusson). It contains the Château d'Eau and a big statue of Louis XIV on a horse. It's also very close to both the Aqueduc Saint-Clément the Arc de Triomphe. 
  • Les Jardin des Plantes (Botanical Garden), Boulevard Henri IV. A historic botanical garden and arboretum established in 1593. It is France's oldest botanical garden. free. 
  • La Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, L'Ecole de Médecine, and Le Musée d'Anatomie
  • L'Hôtel des Trésoriers de la Bourse
  • La Place de la Comédie. The main focal point of the city and contains the Three Graces fountain 
  • Musée Fabre, 39 Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle. An art museum established in 1825. It underwent a €61.2 million renovation which was completed in 2007 
  • The Antigone District. Neo-classical architecture district. Built on the site of the former Joffre Barracks and designed by Ricardo Bofill. 
  • The Arc de Triomphe (Porte du Peyrou), Rue Foch. A triumphal arch inspired by Porte Saint-Denis in Paris. You can climb to the top but you can only get access on one of the walking tours from the information centre. The view is amazing. 
  • Le Carré Sainte-Anne, 2 Rue Philippy. A deconsecrated church that has been converted to a contemporary art gallery. The church is in the old quarter of Saint-Anne, with narrow streets typical of the medieval era. 
  • La Place Saint-Roch. A pretty square that contains many bars, cafes, restaurants, murals and Saint Roch Church. 
  • La Tour de la Babote, 17 Boulevard de l'Observatoire. A tower that was originally built as an observatory on top of the ramparts of Montpellier, it's an interesting building and contains some good restaurants

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Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen

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Text(e) übernommen von:

Wikivoyage contributors, 'Montpellier', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 2 October 2016, 22:28 UTC, <https://en.wikivoyage.org/w/index.php?title=Montpellier&oldid=3060452> [accessed 31 December 2016]

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4 km
1,5 km
3 m


FR-34970 Lattes







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