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Radweg Brünn - Prag

Nr. des Radweges 1



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Höhen-Profil Radweg Brünn - PragŠpilberkHrad VeveříLomnice u TišnovaHrad PernštejnHlinsko v ČecháchSeč u NasavrkTřemošniceKutná HoraČervený HrádekMuseum of Folk Architecture in Kouřim150250350450550650750850050100150200250

Erstellt am 06.02.2012,

am 17.10.2023


Gesamtlänge in km



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OpenStreetMap and Contributors + biroto-Redaktion (biroto.eu)

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Enthält Daten von OpenStreetMap, die hier unter der Open Database License(ODbL) verfügbar gemacht werden

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durch biroto-Redaktion am 17.10.2023

Gesamtzahl Trackpoints


Trackpoint-Dichte per km




Brno, JM, CZ (188 m NHN)


Praha, CZ (231 m NHN)




Fahrradfreundliche Unterkünfte, Sehenswertes und Infrastruktur

Name u. Anschrift

Breite / Länge


Art d. Unterkunft


km zur Strecke


6 km
1,3 km
220 m

CZ-602 00 Brno


Historisches Ortsbild

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Brno
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Brno
Masarykova street in Brno
Masarykova street in Brno
Šilngrovo náměstí (Šilinger square) in Brno
Šilngrovo náměstí (Šilinger square) in Brno
New Town Hall in Brno
New Town Hall in Brno

Brno (Czech pronunciation: [ˈbr̩no]; German: Brünn; Latin: Bruna; Yiddish: ברין, Brin) by population and area is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, the largest Moravian city, and the historical capital city of the Margraviate of Moravia Wikipedia Icon. Brno is the administrative center of the South Moravian Region where it forms a separate district Brno-City District. The city lies at the confluence of the Svitava Wikipedia Icon and Svratka Wikipedia Icon rivers and has about 400,000 residents in 2004.

The most important sights of the city include the castle and fortress Špilberk Wikipedia Icon and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Wikipedia Icon on Petrov hill, these two formerly medieval buildings form the characteristic cityscape and are often depicted as its traditional symbols. An important monument of Brno is the functionalist Villa Tugendhat Wikipedia Icon which has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Brno is surrounded by relatively pleasant nature, one of the especially attractive areas nearby being the Moravian Karst Wikipedia Icon.

Possibly thanks to its history as former capital city of Moravia Wikipedia Icon, Brno has hundreds of historical sights, including eight monuments listed among the national cultural heritage of the Czech Republic. Majority of the main sights of Brno are situated in its historical centre. The city has the second largest historic preservation zone in the Czech Republic. The following list shows only some of the most important sights of Brno.

Informationen zu Urheber-Rechten

Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen

Link zur Rechtebeschreibung


Text(e) übernommen von:

Wikipedia contributors, 'Brno', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 26 November 2012, 20:21 UTC, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brno&oldid=525009817 [accessed 12 December 2012]

übernommen / bearbeitet am


übernommen / bearbeitet durch



6 km
2,1 km
207 m


CZ-602 00 Brno




6 km
0,9 km
284 m

CZ-602 00 Brünn



aerial photo of Špilberk Castle in Brno
aerial photo of Špilberk Castle in Brno
Špilberk in Brno, view from the townhall tower
Špilberk in Brno, view from the townhall tower
Špilberk Castle
Špilberk Castle
View to one Building of Castel Spielberg
View to one Building of Castel Spielberg

Špilberk Castle (German: Spielberg) is an old castle on the hilltop in Brno Wikipedia Icon, Southern Moravia Wikipedia Icon. It began to be built as early as the first half of the 13th century by the Přemyslid kings and complete by King Ottokar II of Bohemia Wikipedia Icon. From a major royal castle established around the mid-13th century, and the seat of the Moravian margraves in the mid-14th century, it was gradually turned into a huge baroque fortress considered the heaviest prison in the Austro-Hungarian empire Wikipedia Icon, and then into barracks. This prison had always been part of the Špilberk fortress.

Informationen zu Urheber-Rechten

Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen

Link zur Rechtebeschreibung


Text(e) übernommen von:

Wikipedia contributors, 'Špilberk Castle', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 November 2012, 04:34 UTC, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%C5%A0pilberk_Castle&oldid=524598804 [accessed 12 December 2012]

übernommen / bearbeitet am


übernommen / bearbeitet durch



16 km
0,1 km
240 m


CZ-635 00 Brno




19 km
0,7 km
0 m


CZ-635 00 Brno-Kníničky







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