Cycle Route Towns of Saxony Route
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Added on 01 Aug 2013,
on 24 Nov 2020
Cycle route metrics
Total distance in km
Information about rights to the gps-track data | |
Rights owner | OpenStreetMap and Contributors + biroto-Redaktion ( |
Rights characteristic / license | Contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available here under the Open Database License(ODbL) |
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GPX file taken from | |
GPX file uploaded | by biroto-Redaktion on 24 Nov 2020
Track points in total
Track points per km (avg)
Start location
Crimmitschau, Sachsen, DE (236 m NHN)
End location
Görlitz, Sachsen, DE (191 m NHN)
Travel reports about cycle tours
27 Jul 2014
62 km
A stage of the tour »Aachen - Dresden auf der Mittellandroute« of user Rolando
28 Jul 2014
60 km
A stage of the tour »Aachen - Dresden auf der Mittellandroute« of user Rolando
Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure
Name and address
Latitude / Longitude
Type of accommodation
Rating for cyclists
Route km
Dist. to route
6 km
1,6 km
265 m
32 km
0,8 km
377 m
53 km
0,0 km
300 m
67 km
0,1 km
292 m
Streckenlänge: 1.239,8 m
Höhenunterschied: 168,06 m
Neigung im Durchschnitt: 13,50%
Neigung maximal: 20,14%
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
Link to the description of the license | |
taken over / edited on | 01 Oct 2014
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Hours of opening
Die Drahtseilbahn Augustusburg fährt
- montags: 13.20 - 17.40 (während der Ferien in Sachsen fährt die Drahtseilbahn Augustusburg auch montags im regulären Betrieb: 9.20 - 17.40 Uhr)
- dienstags bis freitags: 09.20 - 17.40 Uhr
- samstags, sonn- und feiertags: 09.00 - 18.00 Uhr
alle 20 Minuten bergauf und gleichzeitig bergab.
Beachten Sie auch die Sonderfahrzeiten bei Veranstaltungen im Schloss Augustusburg oder im Freizeitzentrum Rost's Wiesen.
Die Mitnahme von Fahrrädern ist kostenfrei.
71 km
0,1 km
507 m
The hunting lodge of Augustusburg (German: Jagdschloss Augustusburg) was built from 1568 to 1572 above the town of the same name on a hill called the Schellenberg (516 m above sea level) on the northern edge of the Ore Mountains of Germany.
In building a new castle, Prince Elector Augustus wanted not just to create a prestigious palace for his hunting trips, but also to underline his leading position in Central Germany.
The castle currently houses restaurants and a youth hostel, the Motorcycle Museum, the Stage Coach Museum and the Museum of Hunting and Ornithology.
Augustusburg Castle is one selected site for the proposed candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage "Ore Mountain Mining Region".
Information about copyright | |
Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
Link to the description of the license | |
Input taken over from: |
Wikipedia contributors, 'Augustusburg Hunting Lodge', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 12 September 2014, 13:34 UTC, <> [accessed 1 October 2014] |
taken over / edited on | 01 Oct 2014
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Hours of opening
täglich; Apr–Okt 9:30–18h / Nov–Mär 10–17h