Radtour Lolland und Femö
Dag/day 2: Langø-Holten strand
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Erstellt am 29.04.2023
am 21.07.2023
Gesamtlänge in km
Gesamthöhenmeter Aufstieg
Durchschn. Steigung Aufstieg %
Gesamthöhenmeter Abstieg
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Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz | cc0: Public Domain keine Rechte vorbehalten |
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gpx-Datei hochgeladen | durch Ottocolor am 30.04.2023
Gesamtzahl Trackpoints
Trackpoint-Dichte per km
Nakskov, 85, DK (7 m NHN)
Nysted, 85, DK (4 m NHN)
gefahren am
Still sunny all day. Light to moderate breeze from the east, thus a steady headwind all day. Still chilly, especially in the evening. No more than around 7°C.
After a bad night in my tent (the first night is always that way) followed the second stage to Holten beach east of Nysted. I had a short look at the old post mill at Kappel. Then on the southern dike to Roedbyhavn, where I emptied my lunch box in the dunes. A moderate to fresh headwind and many gravel roads with deep gravel made the stage fairly hard. I rode around the huge tunnel construction site for the tunnel across the Femer Belt to Germany to the east of Roedbyhavn. They were about to finish building the tunnel segment factory, where 87 tunnel segments for the immersed tunnel are going to be constructed. Cofee break at Errindlev church. Beautiful, but troublesome small paths to Nysted, where I just made the opening hours of the local supermarket. After arrival at Holten strand I had a fairly cold dip into the sea before cooking dinner on the gas stove in the sunset was due. The dishes i did in the darkness. I got a little cold in the chilly evening air, but I slept well during the night.
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Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen |
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übernommen / bearbeitet am | 21.07.2023
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