Radtour Rund um den Großen Belt
Dag 1: Næsby-Skælskør
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Erstellt am 05.06.2018
am 05.04.2023
Gesamtlänge in km
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gpx-Datei hochgeladen | durch Ottocolor am 15.06.2018
Gesamtzahl Trackpoints
Trackpoint-Dichte per km
Odense, Region of Southern Denmark, DK (8 m NHN)
Skælskør, Region Zealand, DK (23 m NHN)
gefahren am

The first stage took me from my home out of Odense on the national cycling route no. 6. My first stop was at the village pond at Over Holluf. Idyllic like in a Morten Korch novel. No wonder, as the writer lived at Over Holluf for man years, while he wrote his many idealizing novels about the glorious rural life.
I had my lunch, as many times before, on top of the mound of Degnehoej at Skellerup. It's a fine place. The big tree shows that the mound with the winding path to the top isn't a new thing.
Afternoon rest in Nyborg with a look at the caslte, which is being renovated for millions. Well, it is indeed an important place in Danish history, and once a very central one, when the Danish king Erik Klipping signed a treaty of cooperation with the Danish gentry.
I crossed the Great Belt in a train by way of the bridge and the tunnel. After that I followed the coast down to Skaelskoer. First I passed Korsoer and the conference centre of Klarskovgaard, where I had participated in several meetings and parties with the news department of my workplace TV 2.
At Skaelskoer I pitched my tent close to the inner fiord and cycled into town in order to have dinner at a restaurant in the harbour. A local resident told me about the town, which all other Danes see as a town producing jam.
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Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen |
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übernommen / bearbeitet am | 05.04.2023
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