Radtour Rund um den Großen Belt
Dag 2: Skælskør-Vordingborg
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Erstellt am 05.06.2018
am 05.04.2023
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gpx-Datei hochgeladen | durch Ottocolor am 15.06.2018
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Skælskør, Region Zealand, DK (-33 m NHN)
Masnedø, Region Zealand, DK (-17 m NHN)
gefahren am

The second stage followed the southwestern coast of Zealand down to Vordingborg. I saw a lot of splendid castles and palaces this day. That tells about a rich region on a rich soil. At Borreby castle a theatre has nestled, which is in fact about to become at least regionally known.
At Holsteinborg castle Denmark's first christmas tree was lit, a tradition we had taken over from the Germans. And at Gavnoe they have a large amusement park, which, however, was still closed. Before that I passed the big town of Naestved without offering it further notice.
My goal was to make Avnoe in time to enter the bird observation tower, which is situated in the former air traffic control tower of the former pilot school. In these days I visited the school during my military education in 1983 and was offered a flight in the training aircraft T-17. Before that the pilots were trained in Chipmunk plnes, while today only birds fly over the meadows of Avnoe. These are on the other hand very numerous, and them and nature in general are the subject now on the visitor centre at the disused pilot school of Avnoe, where Danish pilots had their fundamental training.
After this experience it wasn't far to the campsite west of Vordingborg, where I pitched myt tent close to the dike. There I sat for a long time watching some construction work in the port on the opposite side of the inlet.
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Rechte-Ausprägung / Lizenz | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen |
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übernommen / bearbeitet am | 05.04.2023
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