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Radtour Englische Kanal-Rundfahrt

Dag 6: Brighton-Littlehampton



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Höhen-Profil Radtour Englische Kanal-Rundfahrt0100200020406080100120

Erstellt am 23.06.2015

am 13.10.2018



Gesamtlänge in km


Gesamthöhenmeter Aufstieg


Durchschn. Steigung Aufstieg %


Gesamthöhenmeter Abstieg



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by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen

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gpx-Datei hochgeladen

durch Ottocolor am 25.06.2015

Gesamtzahl Trackpoints


Trackpoint-Dichte per km




Brighton, England, GB (61 m NHN)


Arun, England, GB (23 m NHN)

gefahren am



First overcast and chilly, but later it brightened up with a lot of sun and much warmer. Light winds that didn't hinder our progress.

Temperaturverlauf am 14.06.2015 10°20°30°13:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:0015° - 26°


Daisyfields Touring Park
Cornfield Close, Worthing Road
GB-BN17 6LD Littlehampton


Brighton's huge marina with shopping (battery recharger!!) and lunch - Brighton wheel - many beach promenades with hords (excuse me) of tourists - Worthing with a walk out the amusement pier - Ferring with a coffee break at the local cricket club with the following reunion with my friend Kolya - Littlehampton town with a Russian chat at the harbour and a visit at a pub watching football and drinking beer - hard to find the camping site "Daisyfields".



Brightons lystbådehavn er angiveligt Europas største/Brightonʹs marina is allegedly Europeʹs largest
Brightons lystbådehavn er angiveligt Europas største/Brightonʹs marina is allegedly Europeʹs largest
Den er en by i byen med alle fornødenheder/Itʹs a city in the city with all kinds of facilities
Den er en by i byen med alle fornødenheder/Itʹs a city in the city with all kinds of facilities
Strandpromenaden deles af fodgængere og cyklister/Pedestrians and cyclists share the promenade
Strandpromenaden deles af fodgængere og cyklister/Pedestrians and cyclists share the promenade
Stranden set fra pariserhjulet/The beach as seen from the ferris wheel
Stranden set fra pariserhjulet/The beach as seen from the ferris wheel
Brightons pier er berømt for ʹbilligeʹ forlystelser/The Brighton pier is known for tacky amusements
Brightons pier er berømt for ʹbilligeʹ forlystelser/The Brighton pier is known for tacky amusements
Her ses den berømte Royal Pavillon/A look at the famous Royal Pavillon
Her ses den berømte Royal Pavillon/A look at the famous Royal Pavillon
De 36 kabiner når op i 50 mʹs højde. Én ad gangen!/The 36 capsules go 50 metres up. One at a time!
De 36 kabiner når op i 50 mʹs højde. Én ad gangen!/The 36 capsules go 50 metres up. One at a time!
Hjulet giver et godt overblik over byen/The wheel commands a good view of the city
Hjulet giver et godt overblik over byen/The wheel commands a good view of the city
I baggrunden resten af den gamle mole fra 1823/In the background remnants of the old pier from 1823
I baggrunden resten af den gamle mole fra 1823/In the background remnants of the old pier from 1823
Både på flodbunden i Shoreham ved lavvande/Boats on the ground at low tide in Shoreham
Både på flodbunden i Shoreham ved lavvande/Boats on the ground at low tide in Shoreham
Worthing forlystelsesmole er en gammel sag/The Worthing amusement pier is an old contraption
Worthing forlystelsesmole er en gammel sag/The Worthing amusement pier is an old contraption
Mere hygge og færre mennesker end i Brighton/More atmosphere and less people than in Brighton
Mere hygge og færre mennesker end i Brighton/More atmosphere and less people than in Brighton
En ibis på jagt efter krebsdyr i vaden/An ibis looking for crustaceans in the mud
En ibis på jagt efter krebsdyr i vaden/An ibis looking for crustaceans in the mud
Kaffepause til en cricketkamp/Coffee break and a cricket match
Kaffepause til en cricketkamp/Coffee break and a cricket match
Genforenet med min herlige ven Kolja/Reunited with my marvellous friend Kolya
Genforenet med min herlige ven Kolja/Reunited with my marvellous friend Kolya
Øl og TV-fodbold har alle dage passet godt sammen/Beer and tv-football always go well along
Øl og TV-fodbold har alle dage passet godt sammen/Beer and tv-football always go well along
Mørket falder på i Littlehamptons centrum/Dusk in the dusky streets of Littlehampton
Mørket falder på i Littlehamptons centrum/Dusk in the dusky streets of Littlehampton
En stor burger med løgringe, fritter og en ale/A large burger with onion rings, fries and an ale
En stor burger med løgringe, fritter og en ale/A large burger with onion rings, fries and an ale
Man har det godt i The George i Littlehampton/Enjoying life at the George in Littlehampton
Man har det godt i The George i Littlehampton/Enjoying life at the George in Littlehampton