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Cycle Route Coastroute Halden - Bergen

No. of cycle route 1A



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Elevation profile Cycle Route Coastroute Halden - BergenSarpsfossenRisørKristiansandStavangerBergen0100200300050100150200250300350400450500550600650700750800850900950100010501100115012001250

Added on 26 Jul 2014,

on 18 Feb 2024

Cycle route metrics

Total distance in km


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner

OpenStreetMap and Contributors + biroto-Redaktion (

Rights characteristic / license

Contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available here under the Open Database License(ODbL)

Link to the description of the license

GPX file taken from

GPX file uploaded

by biroto-Redaktion on 18 Feb 2024

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Isebakke, NO (47 m NHN)

End location

Bergen, NO (6 m NHN)

Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


26 km
0,4 km
25 m

NO-1706 Sarpsborg


Well worth seeing landscape


Sarp Falls (Norwegian: Sarpefossen or Sarpsfossen) is a waterfall at Sarpsborg Wikipedia Icon in Østfold, Norway.

This is the last waterfall on the Glomma Wikipedia Icon River, which is the longest river in Norway. Sarp Falls has one of the greatest flow of any waterfall in Europe. Both Rhine Falls and Dettifoss are larger and more powerful waterfalls in Europe but, while those waterfalls have between 200 and 500 m3/s (7,100 and 17,700 cu ft/s) of average water flow, Sarp Falls has approximately 577 m3/s (20,400 cu ft/s). Just above Sarp Falls is a road bridge with a view point. There are also view points on the east side of the falls.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Wikipedia contributors, 'Sarp Falls', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 July 2018, 19:56 UTC, <> [accessed 29 December 2018]

taken over / edited on

29 Dec 2018

taken over / edited by



98 km
0,0 km
4 m

NO-1511 Moss


Ferry pier

Hours of opening

About two or three times per hour, in the summer from about 5 am till 11 pm.


108 km
0,0 km
4 m

NO-3187 Horten


Ferry pier

Hours of opening

About two or three times per hour, in the summer from about 5 am till 11 pm.


108 km
0,2 km
1 m


NO-3181 Horten


Tourist information


139 km
0,1 km
10 m

NO-3111 Tønsberg


Forbidden for cyclists

Road: 308, Length: 235m,
Comment: - ,
Alternative Route: Go along Nordbyen Road.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

taken over / edited on

05 Mar 2015

taken over / edited by






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