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Abens Cycle Route



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Elevation profile Abens Cycle RouteNandlstadtTrainWallfahrtskirche Mariä Himmelfahrt350450550650020406080100120

Added on 31 Jul 2020,

on 16 Nov 2023

Cycle route metrics

Total distance in km


GPS track data

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OpenStreetMap and Contributors + biroto-Redaktion (

Rights characteristic / license

Contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available here under the Open Database License(ODbL)

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GPX file taken from

GPX file uploaded

by biroto-Redaktion on 16 Nov 2023

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Marzling, BY, DE (442 m NHN)

End location

Neustadt an der Donau, BY, DE (354 m NHN)




Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure

Name and address

Latitude / Longitude


Type of accommodation

Rating for cyclists

Route km
Dist. to route


0 km
4,7 km
496 m

DE-85354 Freising



Panorama von Weihenstephan, rechts im Bild der Dom von Freising
Panorama von Weihenstephan, rechts im Bild der Dom von Freising
Brauerei Weihenstephan
Brauerei Weihenstephan
Klostergarten Weihenstephan
Klostergarten Weihenstephan

Weihenstephan ist ein Stadtteil auf dem nach der Abtei Weihenstephan Wikipedia Icon benannten „Weihenstephaner Berg“. Der Ortsteil liegt im Westen der Großen Kreisstadt Freising Wikipedia Icon in Oberbayern.

Im Zuge der Säkularisation in Bayern wurde die Abtei 1803 aufgelöst; im Februar 1812 wurde die zur Pfarrkirche erhobene Abteikirche abgebrochen. Gebäude undStallungen, Felder und Wälder des säkularisierten Klosters wurden verkauft bzw. der im Herbst 1803 aus München übergesiedelten Forstschule und einem neu gegründeten „Musterlandwirtschaftsbetrieb“ übertragen.

Die um 1040 im Kloster Weihenstephan begründete und 1803 verstaatlichte Brauerei ist seit 1921 „Bayerische Staatsbrauerei“ Wikipedia Icon.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Seite „Weihenstephan“. In: Wikipedia, Die freie Enzyklopädie. Bearbeitungsstand: 16. Dezember 2012, 13:54 UTC. URL: (Abgerufen: 23. Dezember 2012, 18:38 UTC)

taken over / edited on

23 Dec 2012

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0 km
4,0 km
460 m


DE-85354 Freising




0 km
3,6 km
454 m

DE-85354 Freising


Old town

Freisinger Marienplatz mit Rathaus, Stadtpfarrkirche St. Georg und Mariensäule
Freisinger Marienplatz mit Rathaus, Stadtpfarrkirche St. Georg und Mariensäule
Domberg in Freising
Domberg in Freising
Freisinger Dom
Freisinger Dom
Freising, ehem. fürstbischöfliche Residenz
Freising, ehem. fürstbischöfliche Residenz

Freising is a city in Bavaria , 40km (25 mi) North of Munich. Freising is known as the historical center of the Catholic Church in Bavaria and as the location of the world's oldest continuously operating brewery. The campus of Munich University located in Freising offers the world's only regular university course for brewery, including post graduate research into chemistry and biology of beer brewing. Due to the faculties large international undergraduate and post graduate student body, most master brewers in the world's major breweries have a professional or educational relationship to Freising.


Though archaeological finds show that the area was settled since the Bronze Age, there is no evidence that there was continuous settlement until the 8th century, when Saint Corbinian settled at a shrine on Weihenstephan hill in 724. Corbinian was a forerunner during the christianization of Southern Germany and first bishop of Freising. Freising quickly became an important town and religious center in Bavaria, and therefore emperor Otto III granted the settlement city rights in 996. The town's significance declined sharply, though, after Duke Henry the Lion destroyed Freisings Isar bridges and salt works in 1158 to boost his own Isar crossing in Munich, which by the time was a mere toll station. However, the prince-bishopric of Freising kept its independence and stayed the religious center of Bavaria until the beginning of the 19th century, when it was politically merged with Bavaria.

During World War II Freising was only of minor importance and as it housed a military hospital for foreign officers was therefore considered safe from attacks. The only major air raid was conducted shortly before the end of the war on 18.04.1945 targeting the cities station and a vehicle factory. On 29.04.1945 Freising surrendered to the approaching American troops (after a brief artillery bombardment), though the retreating SS managed to blow up the cities main bridge in an attempt to delay the American advance.

Freisings economical resurgence and major growth began with the planning and construction of Munich Airport , which was opened in 1992 bordering the city. Today Freising is economically healthy, with one of the highest residency growth rates and lowest unemployment rates in Germany. The cities university, which is part of the Technical University Munich, is renowned in the field of life science, agriculture, and brewing technology. The cities most well known institution, is the Weihenstephan brewery, founded in 1040 and therefore is considered the worlds oldest continuously operating brewery.


  • Baroque hall of the Cathedral library (Barocksaal der Dombibliothek), Domberg 40, +49 8161 48400. closed for renovation!. Built in 1732, the library was planned as a representative "public" library from the start - the first and only library open to the public in Bavaria at that time. 
  • Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan (Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan), Alte Akademie 2, +49 8161 536199. M & W 10:00, Tu 10:00 & 13:00. Weihenstephaner was founded in 1040, which makes it the oldest still existing brewery in the world. Today it is owned by the state of Bavaria and affiliated to the Technical University Munich. There are two different tours available: The small tour through the plant (1 h) contrary to the big tour (2 h) does not include a beer dégustation and a free glass. Small tour €6, Big tour €9. 
  • City Museum (Freisinger Stadtmuseum), Marienplatz 7, +49 8161 5444555. W-Su 13:00-17:00. The museum is all about Freising's city history. The focus lies on the city here and not on the diocese. Adults €2, Concessions €1. 
  • Diocese Museum (Diözesanmuseum Freising), Domberg 21, +49 8161 48790. closed for renovation!. One of the many sights connected to Catholicism, this museum shows catholic works of art. Adults €6, Concessions 4. 
  • Freising Cathedral (Saint Mary and Corbinian Cathedral), Domberg 27, +49 8161 1810. Summer Sa-Th 8:00-18:00 & F 14:00-18:00, Winter Sa-Th 8:00-17:00 & F 14:00-17:00. The cathedral was the center of the diocese of Freising from its first constrcution in 860 until 1821, when the bishop moved to Munich and Frauenkirche became the new cathedral. The church is on top of a steep hill overlooking Freising and Upper Bavaria, with views as far as Munich and the Bavarian Alps. Especially the crypt and the Johanni chapel are masterpeices of architecture and art. There are tours available for €4.50 (60 min). Wikipedia Icon 
  • Research plantation (Sichtungsgarten), Am Staudengarten 7, +49 8161 714026. Apr-Oct 9:00-18:00. The plantation is part of the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Science. It is open to the public to stroll through and it and enjoy the combination of different plants. free. 


  • Bräustüberl Weihenstephan (Bavarian), Weihenstephaner Berg 10, +49 8161 13004. 10:00-0:00. The Bräustüberl is next to the premises of the Weihenstephaner brewery on top of a steep hill. The restaurants serves traditional Bavarian cuisine. They also have a beer garden, where you are allowed to bring your own food, and just have to buy the drinks. 
  • Hofbräuhauskeller Freising (Bavarian), Lankesbergstraße 5, +49 8161 938800. 10:00-0:00. Hofbräuhauskeller is part of Hofbräuhaus Freising and located right behind the Baroque Revival brewery. The restaurant serves Bavarian food and also has a beer garden, where you can bring your own food. 
  • Weissbräu Huber (Bavarian), General-von-Nagel-Straße 5, +49 8161 548686. M-W 11:00-0:00, Th-F 11:00-1:00, Sa 10:00-0:00, Su 10:00-23:00. Every bigger town in Bavaria needs its own wheat beer (Weißbier) brewery and this used to be Freising's, before the brewery was bought by Hofbräuhaus Freising. The restaurant in the city center serves traditional Bavarian food and has also has a beer garden. 

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

Input taken over from:

Wikivoyage contributors, 'Freising', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 3 December 2020, 06:52 UTC, Wikivoyage Icon [accessed 21 March 2021]

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21 Mar 2021

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0 km
3,5 km
451 m


DE-85354 Freising




0 km
3,6 km
455 m


DE-85354 Freising


Tourist information

Hours of opening

Ganzjährig Montag bis Freitag 9 Uhr bis 18 Uhr





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