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Cycle Tour Iron Curtain Tour, part 3 Gdynia-Aš

Dag/day 2: Białogóra-Główczyce



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Iron Curtain Tour, part 3 Gdynia-Aš0100200020406080100120

Added on 14 Jun 2023

on 02 Jul 2023

Cycle route metrics


Total distance in km


Cumulative elevation gain in m


Avg. slope uphill in %


Cumulative elevation loss in m


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner


Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

Link to the description of the license

GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 02 Jul 2023

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Krokowa, PL (9 m NHN)

End location

Główczyce, PL (26 m NHN)

ridden on

10 May 2023


More clouds, but also a lot of sun. Moderate breeze from southeast, som mostly tailwind, but also crosswinds and a little headwind. In the morning quite cold!

Temperature curve on 10 May 2023 10°15°20°25°10:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0015° - 22°


Because of the sandy trails on the superbly signposted cycle route EV13, I didn't manage to reach my goal of Ustka. Instead i diverted from the planned route southwards to road 213, and made it only to Główczyce, where I found a small hotel.

Travel report

Morgenmad nær den dejlige strand ved Białogóra. Men først måtte jeg skaffe vand
Morgenmad nær den dejlige strand ved Białogóra. Men først måtte jeg skaffe vand
Dette er den brolagte sti ned til stranden
Dette er den brolagte sti ned til stranden
Og dette er selve stranden. Kun de lave temperaturer afholdt mig fra en dukkert
Og dette er selve stranden. Kun de lave temperaturer afholdt mig fra en dukkert
Jeg har mødt en polsk cyklist uden for en butik, der cyklede i modsat retning
Jeg har mødt en polsk cyklist uden for en butik, der cyklede i modsat retning

On this day the trails in the woods were very sandy. Even if the signposting was magnificent. After my lunch at a small bridge across a stream I decided to withdraw to a middle class road to the south. I was due to go down there in the town of Główczyce anyway and passed on to Ustka. Instead I checked into a small hotel in Główczyce (after a coffee break) and spent the planned rest day in Ustka by cycling the remaining distance there.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

02 Jul 2023

taken over / edited by


Jeg ville ønske, at belægningen kun havde været halvt så god som rutens skiltning
Jeg ville ønske, at belægningen kun havde været halvt så god som rutens skiltning
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Én af de utallige storkereder. Næsten hver landsby har mindst én, alle beboet
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