Cycle Tour Pilgrims-route from Jutland to the Rhine
Planned tour
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Added on 30 Sep 2019,
on 30 Sep 2019
Cycle route metrics
Total distance in km
Cumulative elevation gain in m
Avg. slope uphill in %
Cumulative elevation loss in m
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Rights owner | ThimbleU & biroto-Contributors |
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GPX file uploaded | by ThimbleU on 30 Sep 2019
Track points in total
Track points per km (avg)
Start location
Frederikshavn, North Denmark Region, DK (9 m NHN)
End location
Mittelpilghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE (201 m NHN)
Beds4Cyclists, worth visiting and infrastructure
Name and address
Latitude / Longitude
Type of accommodation
Rating for cyclists
Route km
Dist. to route
0 km
0,2 km
15 m

Frederikshavn is a city in North Jutland, Denmark. And has a population of 60,315 inhabitants (as of 1. April 2017) in the municipality.
- Frederikshavn describes itself as the northernmost municipality on the European continent.
- Frederikshavn was originally named Fladstrand, until 1818 where it was changed to Frederikshavn.
- Frederikshavn translates to "Frederik's harbour", named after Danish King Frederik VI.
- ⊙Bangsbo Museum (Kystmuseet-Bangsbo), Dr. Margrethesvej 6, 9900 Frederikshavn (Bus no. 3 from Frederikshavn St. towards Møllehuset, get off at stop Bangsbovej and walk the last 700m), ☎ +45 98 423111. Feb.-Oct: Mon-Fri: 10:00 - 16:00. Nov.-Dec.: Mon-Fri: 11:00 - 15:00. Sat+Sun: Closed. Bangsbo Museum is located in an old manor house, surrounded by a moat, a small botanical garden and a forest playground. The museum houses exhibitions about the Danish Resistance during World War II, ships and sailing history and textiles. Bangsbo Museum is now a part of Nordjyllands Kystmuseum. Adults: DKK 75. Children under 18: Free. (updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Fiskerklyngen, Strandgade, ☎ +45 98 423266. This is a cluster of fishermen's cottages in oldest part of Frederikshavn origianlly from the 16th century, but the houses you can see now are from the 18th century. (updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Gunpowder Tower (Krudttårnet), Kragholmen 2 (Located by the harbor, short walk from Frederikshavn Station), ☎ +45 98 431919, +45 98 423111. 1. July - 15. August - 11:00-15:00. Martello tower built in 1686-1690. The top floor (cannon deck) houses a range of artillery. The lower floors have exhibitions of the history of Fladstrand and the harbor. Citadel Fladstr. was used as a base by the Danish Navy during the Great Northern War (1709–20) and the war against GB (1807–14). Tordenskioldsdage is a historic festival that with a spectacular staging of the Powder Tower brings the audience back to the year 1717. Adults: DKK 75, Children under 18: Free.
(updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Hirsholm, Frederikshavn Havn, Pier 5 (A small ferry (12 passengers) goes daily during summer, 3 times a week during spring and fall, and weekly during winter.), ☎ +45 29 801438. Hirsholm is one of six small islands 7 km to the northeast of Frederikshavn: Hirsholm, Græsholm, Lilleholm, Deget, Tyvholm and Kølpen. Only Hirsholm is inhabited, with 17 houses and a 27 metre high lighthouse from 1886. Besides being noted for it's high population of birds, Hirsholm also sports some excellent beaches and a relatively large number of bunkers, dating back to World War II. Return tickets are: Adults: DKK 130. Children: DKK 105.
(updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Northern Entrenchment (Nordre Skanse), ☎ +45 98 423266. Defensive works built by German troops 1627-29 to protect them against the Danish Navy. (updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Beach (Palmestranden), Nordre Strandvej 22, 9900 Frederikshavn, ☎ +45 98 455037. In the northern part of Frederikshavn, there is also a nice beach. You can easily get here by bike, and it can be worth it spending some time at the beach. During the summer there is imported Italian palms, beach volley courts and barbecue. Also close to a Small marina with a restaurant. Enjoy the view of Hirsholmene. (updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Knivholt Manor (Knivholt hovedgård), Hjørringvej 180B, ☎ +45 98 434855. Mon-Sun 07:00-15:00. The Manor dates back to 13th century but have burned down on several occasions. Current buildings dates back to 17th century. Close to Knivholt Forrest. There are several event at and near the Manor during the year, like open-air concerts, festivals, markets and shows. (updated Apr 2017)
- ⊙Bangsbo Fort Bunker Museum (Kystmuseet-Bangsbo Fort), Understedvej 21, 9900 Frederikshavn (By car, the museum is located in a military area but parking lots exist), ☎ +45 98 423111, +45 98 428844, +45 96 214614. Feb. Mon-Fri: 11:00-15:00, Apr-May: Mon-Fri: 10:00-16:00, Jun-Aug: Mon-Fri: 10:00-16:00 Sat-Sun: 11:00-16:00 and Sept-Oct: Mon-Fri: 10:00-16:00. Bangsbo Fort was built by the Germans during the Second World War, and known as Stützpunktgruppe Frederikshavn Süd. In 1944 it was armed with 15 cm guns from the Danish Navy ship Niels Juel. During the Second World War the Germans built more than 70 concrete bunkers on the fort with 34 heavy and 17 light concrete bunkers and 30 other different concrete bunker systems. The fort belongs to the Danish Navy and since 2005 Nordjyllands Kystmuseum has rented large parts of the fort which is no longer in use, to tell the story about the fort. Adults: DKK 75, Children under 18: Free. (updated Apr 2017)
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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Input taken over from: |
Wikivoyage contributors, 'Frederikshavn', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 24 January 2018, 10:55 UTC, <> [accessed 24 January 2018] |
taken over / edited on | 24 Jan 2018 - 12 Apr 2018
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0 km
0,3 km
13 m
- Generel tourist information
- Fishing license
- Ferry tickets to Sweden and Norway
- Tickets for concerts and other arrangements at Det Musiske Hus and Arena Nord
- Roadmaps
- Bicycle maps
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
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taken over / edited on | 24 Jan 2018
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Hours of opening
02/01/2018 - 24/06/2018 | Monday - Friday | 09:30 - 16:00 |
02/01/2018 - 24/06/2018 | Saturday | 10:00 - 13:30 |
25/06/2018 - 19/08/2018 | Monday - Saturday | 09:30 - 16:00 |
25/06/2018 - 19/08/2018 | Sunday | 10:00 - 14:00 |
20/08/2018 - 23/12/2018 | Monday - Friday | 09:30 - 16:00 |
20/08/2018 - 23/12/2018 | Saturday | 10:00 - 13:30 |
0 km
0,3 km
21 m
0 km
0,5 km
12 m
92 km
0,1 km
14 m

Aalborg is the largest city in North Jutland, Denmark. Its population, as of 2016, is 134,672, making it the fourth largest city in Denmark.
Aalborg is the capital and largest city in the region of North Jutland. A university town and a regional centre for education. It has a long history as an industrial and port town with an international airport that also serves Copenhagen.
Aalborg is an old town with many preserved buildings and important prehistoric relics, but also thriving cultural life with several institutions of national importance. The Tourist Information of Aalborg has its headquarters in Nordkraft, a culture centre at the harbourfront.
- ⊙Aalborghus Castle (Aalborghus Slot), Slotspladsen 1. A half-timbered castle built by King Christian III in 1539 - 1555 initially as a fortification. Soon it became the seat of the king's provincial governors in Northern Jutland, and then started to be used by the State County for taxes. All that remains today of the original castle is the east wing, the rest was constructed centuries later. There is no public access to the buildings but the courtyard is open for everybody free of charge. Besides, it's possible to visit the castle’s dungeon (1 May - 31 October Mon-Fri 8:00-15:00) and underground casemates (daily 8:00 - 21:00).
- ⊙Aalborg Tower (Aalborgtårnet), Søndre Skovvej 12, ☎ +45 98 770511. 11:00 - 17:00. 54.9 metre tall observation tower built of lattice steel in 1933. The tower is built on a hill, providing a total height of 105 metres above sea level. The tower has a restaurant on the top. Adult 40 kr, children (3-11 years) 30 kr.
- ⊙Aalborg Townhall, Gammel Torv 2. Built in 1759 and served as city hall until 1912. Now is only used for wedding ceremonies and representative purposes.
(updated Nov 2017)
- ⊙Budolfi Church. The Lutheran cathedral in Aalborg.
- ⊙Jens Bangs Stenhus, Østerågade 9. Beautiful renaissance house, built in 1624 by the merchant Jens Bang.
- ⊙Jørgen Olufsens House, Østerågade 25. Well-preserved renaissance house from 1616 by the merchant Jørgen Olufsen.
- ⊙Royal Taxhouse, Strandvejen 1. Built in 1902 representing national romantic architecture. In 2005, it was brought back to its original style. Next to the house is a musical fountain, during summer at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 Händel's Water Music accompanise the splashing water.
- ⊙KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Kong Christians Allé 50, ☎ +45 99 824100. Tue-Sun 10-17, Wed 10-21. Adult 95 kr, student 50 kr, children up to 18 years free.
(updated Nov 2017)
- ⊙Gråbrødrekloster Museum, Algade 19, ☎ +45 99 317400. Tue - Sat 10:00 - 16:00. Underground museum 3 m below Algade street. It depicts the history of the Franciscan monastery as well as the market place, the unknown churches and the city houses. 40 per lift load (max. 250 kg), Admission by self-service via the lift tower by the department store "Salling", Algade.
(updated Nov 2017)
- ⊙Historical Museum, Algade 48, ☎ +45 99 317400. Tue - Sat 10:00 – 17:00. Exhibition is rather small and of limited value. Adults 40 kr, students 30 kr, children free.
(updated Nov 2017)
Aalborg habourfront
The harbourfront has been renewed and is now centre for culture and education. The entire area offers an inspiring city walk in itself.
- ⊙Utzon Centre, Slotspladsen 4, ☎ +45 76 905000. Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. A cultural centre exhibiting art, architecture and design. Focuses on Jørgen Utzon's own work and other work somehow related to him. Also has a restaurant. Adult 80 kr, students 40 kr, children under 18 years free.
(updated Nov 2017)
- ⊙Elbjørn, Strandvejen 6B. Icebreaker now working as a restaurant and culture ship at the Aalborg harbour. It has a restaurant, a bar, glass workshop, and a museum.
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Rights characteristic / license | by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike |
Link to the description of the license | |
Input taken over from: |
Wikivoyage contributors, 'Aalborg', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 20 November 2017, 03:31 UTC, <> [accessed 24 January 2018] |
taken over / edited on | 24 Jan 2018 - 12 Apr 2018
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