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Worth visiting

Added on 23 Dec 2012,

last edited by biroto-Redaktion on 04 Feb 2020

Nearby cycle routes and tours

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Baltic sea - upper Bavaria


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Isar Cycle Route


0,2 km

Regen - Ilz - Danube - Isar - Danube


0,0 km

Ammer-Amper, Isar, Donau 2022


0,0 km



0,0 km

Vom Chiemsee zum Niederrhein


0,8 km

Königssee - Hof


0,8 km



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Type of sights

Old town


Name and address


DE-84028 Landshut


Geodetic coordinates

48.53∎∎∎∎ 12.15∎∎∎∎


410 m


Burg Trausnitz in Landshut

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by biroto-Redaktion on 23 Dec 2012

Öandshut, Fußgängerzone Altstadt mit St. Martin

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by biroto-Redaktion on 23 Dec 2012

Landshut, Martinskirche vom Hofberg

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by biroto-Redaktion on 23 Dec 2012

Landshut, Neustadt mit St. Jodok

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by biroto-Redaktion on 23 Dec 2012

Landshut is the capital and with 63,000 residents the biggest city of Lower Bavaria in the German federal state of Bavaria. The city is best known for the Landshut Wedding (Landshuter Hochzeit), a quadrennial re-enactment of the actual medieval wedding, including knights' tournaments. In times the Wedding isn't scheduled, Landshut still is good for a nice day trip from Munich.


Landshut was founded in 1204 by Duke Louis I Wittelsbach. Not even 30 years later it already became residence, and after the division of the duchy of Bavaria in 1255 the capital of Lower Bavaria. In the 15th century the famous Landshut Wedding took place, one of the most splendid festivities of the Middle Ages. At the beginning of the 16th century Lower Bavaria and Upper Bavaria were reunited. Although Landshut at that point lost its status as capital, the 16th century was the city's architectural boom era. After that, Landshut lost most of its significance, besides a short time of importance in the beginning of the 19th century, when the University of Bavaria resided a mere 26 years in Landshut.

For a brief time towards the end of World War II, a subcamp of the Dachau concentration camp was located near Landshut. During the war Landshut only had to suffer one major Allied bombing, when the area around the train station was heavily hit. However, most parts of the city were virtually unharmed by the war, and much of the medieval city center is still intact today.

Since the opening of the new Munich International Airport close to Landshut in 1992, the city has become an attractive business location.


  • Church of St. Judoc (Jodokskirche), Freyung 629 (Bus: Regierungsplatz),  +49 871 923040. Jodokskirche is Landshut's second oldest church, after Martinskirche. It was built between 1389 and the end of the 16th century in Gothic style. It features a 77 m (250 ft) high bell tower. 
  • Church of St. Martin (Martinskirche), Kirchgasse 251 (Bus: Altstadt),  +49 871 9221780. Apr-Sep 07:30-18:30, Oct-Mar 07:30-17:00, Closed M & F 10:30-15:00. The church's construction began in 1385 and it took over 110 years until it was completed, around 1500. With a interior height of 29 m (95 ft) and a bell tower that measures 130 m (430 ft), Martinkirche is not only the tallest church in Bavaria and the tallest brick building in the world, but also one of the most important examples of Gothic architecture in Germany and Landshut's number one landmark. 
  • City Residence Landshut (Stadtresidenz Landshut), Altstadt 79 (Bus: Altstadt),  +49 871 25142. Apr-Sep 09:00-18:00, Oct-Mar 10:00-16:00, Closed on Mondays. Duke Ludwig X commenced the oldest part of the city residence, the "German Building", in 1536. After a visit to Italy he decided to add the "Italian Building", inspired by the Palazzo del Te in Mantua. This addition is considered to be the first Renaissance building north of the Alps. There is a combination ticket available for the Residence and Trausnitz Castle (Adults €8, Concessions €6). Adults €3.50, Concessions €2.50. 
  • Medieval city center (Mittelalterliche Altstadt). Landshut's historic city center is mostly preserved in the state it was 500 years ago, and doesn't have to hide behind other shining examples like Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Today it is a pedestrian zone with a lot of shops, makeshift concerts on the streets during summer and a Christmas fair during Advent. It also serves as one of the stages for the quadrennial Landshut Wedding re-enactment. 
  • Museum of Sculptures (Skulpturenmuseum im Hofberg), Am Prantlgarten 1 (Bus: Neustadt),  +49 871 89021. Tu-Su 10:30-13:00 & 14:00-17:00. Opened in 1998, the museum is located mostly underground within a hill, atop of which Trausnitz Castle is situated. It has on display works of sculptors, who lived or worked in the city. The museum is specialized in the works of Fritz Koenig, who is best known for his sculpture The Sphere, which was on display on World Trade Center Plaza in New York City from 1971 until the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Adults €3.50, Concessions €2. 
  • Trausnitz Castle (Burg Trausnitz), Burg Trausnitz 168 (Bus 7: Kalcherstraße),  +49 871 924110. Apr-Sep 09:00-18:00, Oct-Mar 10:00-16:00. The medieval castle is situated atop a hill overlooking the city of Landshut and amidst the former castle park. The oldest parts of the structure were built from 1204, and the castle was continuously expanded until the late 19th century, serving as the Wittelsbach ducal residence for Lower Bavaria, 1255-1503. Virtually unharmed by the turmoils of numerous wars, Trausnitz Castle is one of the best preserved and most complete examples of aristocratic medieval architecture. During the Landshut Wedding it serves as one of the venues for the re-enactment. Adults €5.50, Concessions €4.50. 


Inside the range of 4 km:

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Wikivoyage contributors, 'Landshut', Wikivoyage, The FREE worldwide travel guide that anyone can edit, 9 June 2016, 23:54 UTC, [accessed 13 January 2017]

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Nearby cycle routes and tours

Route nameTypeDist. to route

Baltic sea - upper Bavaria


0,0 km

Isar Cycle Route


0,2 km

Regen - Ilz - Danube - Isar - Danube


0,0 km

Ammer-Amper, Isar, Donau 2022


0,0 km



0,0 km

Vom Chiemsee zum Niederrhein


0,8 km

Königssee - Hof


0,8 km

Added on 23 Dec 2012,

last edited by biroto-Redaktion on 04 Feb 2020