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Cycle Tour Iron Curtain Tour, part 3 Gdynia-Aš

Dag/day 4: Ustka-Mielno



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Iron Curtain Tour, part 3 Gdynia-Aš0100200020406080100120

Added on 14 Jun 2023

on 03 Jul 2023

Cycle route metrics


Total distance in km


Cumulative elevation gain in m


Avg. slope uphill in %


Cumulative elevation loss in m


Min. height


Max. height


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner


Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

Link to the description of the license

GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 14 Jun 2023

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Ustka, PL (11 m NHN)

End location

Mielno, PL (11 m NHN)

ridden on

12 May 2023


Sunny and light tailwind, but somewhat more chilly, 17 to 18°C

Temperature curve on 12 May 2023 10°20°30°13:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0019° - 27.4°

Slope Gradient Distribution

Travel report

Campingpladsen i Ustka var en have med blomstrende frugttræer
Campingpladsen i Ustka var en have med blomstrende frugttræer
Et brolagt plateau til turister i Jarosławiec på en klint ned til stranden
Et brolagt plateau til turister i Jarosławiec på en klint ned til stranden
Fremragende cykelsti langs kysten på ydersiden af Kopań-søen
Fremragende cykelsti langs kysten på ydersiden af Kopań-søen
Glad cyklist på broen over Kopań-søens udløb
Glad cyklist på broen over Kopań-søens udløb

My departure from Ustka was fairly chaotic, as I couldn't find neither my cell phone nor my keys. Soon I'm not able to find my behind, when it itches! On good minor roads and bike paths I made it to Jarosławiec, which sits on a cliff high above the beach, and emptied my lunch box. Now followed a just perfect bike path along the coast, even in sun and a light tailwind. The Kopań lake was ridden on the outside (there are really many coastal lakes, but must one has to pass on the inside). In the busy town on Darłowo a had a coffee break in an extremely busy café. The bridge across the river Wieprza was closed, but there was an alternative in the vicinity. As I lesson I had learned is that the camping season in Poland has hardly started I phoned my campingsite host in Mielno and arranged for my arrival. This town is situated on a spit between the lake Jamno and the Baltic Sea, so I was able to stay near the sea. I was welcomed warmly and was again the sole camper on the site. The town was also fairly deserted, but I did manage to have myself a doener kebab and afterwards a bear in a café near the beach.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

03 Jul 2023

taken over / edited by


Reklame for de fine cykelstier i Vestpommern direkte på asfalten
Reklame for de fine cykelstier i Vestpommern direkte på asfalten
En velfortjent stor dåse øl i mit telt på en campingplads i Mielno
En velfortjent stor dåse øl i mit telt på en campingplads i Mielno
Det var en smuk aften med sent aftenrøde over Østersøen
Det var en smuk aften med sent aftenrøde over Østersøen