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Cycle Tour Kattegat North

Dag/day 5: Göteborg



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Elevation profile Cycle Tour Kattegat North0100200020406080100120

Added on 24 May 2022

on 04 Nov 2022

Cycle route metrics


Total distance in km


Cumulative elevation gain in m


Avg. slope uphill in %


Cumulative elevation loss in m


GPS track data

Information about rights to the gps-track data

Rights owner


Rights characteristic / license

cc0: Public Domain no Rights reserved

Link to the description of the license

GPX file uploaded

by Ottocolor on 24 May 2022

Track points in total


Track points per km (avg)



Start location

Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, SE (17 m NHN)

End location

Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, SE (15 m NHN)

ridden on

17 May 2022


Sunny and warm all day long. Very light winds.

Travel report

Vandtårnet på toppen af den skovbevoksede høj Slottsskogen
Vandtårnet på toppen af den skovbevoksede høj Slottsskogen
Masthuggskirken ligger højt oppe over byen og byder på en vidunderlig udsigt over den
Masthuggskirken ligger højt oppe over byen og byder på en vidunderlig udsigt over den
På toppen af denne søjle uden for søfartsmuseet står en sømands kone
På toppen af denne søjle uden for søfartsmuseet står en sømands kone
Søfartsmuseet er lukket i mange år, da de bygger et akvarium ind i det
Søfartsmuseet er lukket i mange år, da de bygger et akvarium ind i det

On my restday I made a really long walk (more than 15 km) up the stairs to the hill of Slottsskogen with its water tower, then to the church of Masthugget and down to the harbourfront, where I had a look at the closed maritime museum. Then i briefly researched about tomorrows ferry departure to Denmark before I had a delicious and very cheap lunch at Bangkok Kitchen in the street Andra Laanggatan, one of the cities' well-known bar and restaurant streets. Afterwards I crossed the moat and passed the so-called fish church on my way to the cathedral, which I visited. Then it was time for a cup of coffee at a café opposite Kronhuset, which is Gothenburg's oldest house from the 17th century. The city is not that old as it was moved from a position further up the Goeta river. After a look at the opera house on the very harbour front and the sail ship Viking I walked back to the city centre and by way of the square Gustav Adolfs Torg I walked eastwards to both the old and new stadiums Ullevi. At the latter Denmark had won the European championship in 1992. My next goal was the park of Traedgaardsfoereningen (garden association), where I enjoyed a Fuller's ESB at the café Rosariet. I was very fond of this park and so lots of others obviously also were. After a visit at the liqour store Systembolaget I trudged the long way "home" to my hostel and cooked my dinner and was refreshed by some nice bottles of strong beer.

Information about copyright

Rights characteristic / license

by-sa: CREATIVE COMMONS Attribution-ShareAlike

Link to the description of the license

taken over / edited on

03 Nov 2022 - 04 Nov 2022

taken over / edited by


Scene fra drikke- og spisegaden Andra Långgatan
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Göteborgs domkirke set udefra
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og indefra
og indefra
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